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Hi all,

I have seagate 7200.11 which shows me 0 LBA.

I have bulid the com cable as can be seen here


But nothing happan!

How do I cheack the cable with internal loop or something like that?

I have the exactly cable and I did exactly as the video shows but the terminal does not respond.

Of course I have the driver for the cable.

Any suggestions?

Many Thanks!


Why start a new thread, when we already have one with 136 pages? :unsure:

  • Prepare CA-42 cable
    • Remove phone-end of the cable
    • Locate the TX-, RX- and GND-leads

    [*]Install CA-42 drivers

    [*]Plug in CA-42 cable, making sure it's seen by the system

    [*]Short the TX- and RX-leads (this will create the loopback)

    [*]Start HyperTerminal

    [*]Select the COM-port assigned to your CA-42 cable

    [*]Set connection-properties to:

    • Bits per second: 38400
    • Data bits: 8
    • Parity: None
    • Stop bits: 1
    • Flow control: None

    [*]Open connection

    [*]Now type characters on your keyboard

    [*]Watch the terminal display: it should "Echo" the exact characters

    you've typed on the keyboard

    • If so: success! :thumbup
    • If not: you've done something wrong, begin at top and check everything :angry:




Why start a new thread, when we already have one with 136 pages? :unsure:

  • Prepare CA-42 cable
    • Remove phone-end of the cable
    • Locate the TX-, RX- and GND-leads

    [*]Install CA-42 drivers

    [*]Plug in CA-42 cable, making sure it's seen by the system

    [*]Short the TX- and RX-leads (this will create the loopback)

    [*]Start HyperTerminal

    [*]Select the COM-port assigned to your CA-42 cable

    [*]Set connection-properties to:

    • Bits per second: 38400
    • Data bits: 8
    • Parity: None
    • Stop bits: 1
    • Flow control: None

    [*]Open connection

    [*]Now type characters on your keyboard

    [*]Watch the terminal display: it should "Echo" the exact characters

    you've typed on the keyboard

    • If so: success! :thumbup
    • If not: you've done something wrong, begin at top and check everything :angry:



Thank you Peter for the quick and usefull answer! :)

I already did as you wrote here all the steps, again and again and the terminal does not respond for any thing!

I start to belive that there is something wrong with my computer :(

Any suggestions?

Posted (edited)

Nah... I don't think your computer is at fault.

Remember not all CA-42 cables are the same (I guess 90% is actually a Nokia imitation).

As a consequence:

  • The colors of the cables may differ for the TX-, RX- and GND-lines
  • Certain CA-42 cables only work at 9600 Baud

Luckilly you can safely experiment by finding the correct wires for TX and RX by shorting them

(one pair at a time) while a communication-session is active: just try every possible combination

until the terminal responds to your input.

The hardest part would be to find out which is TX and which is RX.

The GND (Ground) wire can also be found fairly easy by using a multimeter; normally the GND-

line is directly connected to the GND at the USB-connector.

But finding the ground should normally be obvious: most of the times it a black wire or it's

a somewhat thicker wire with shrinked plastic, instead of "Normal" insulation.

If you can follow the wires to the inside PCB, ground is the one that is soldered to a large

copper-track on the board.

But whatever you do... first make sure you've got the COM-port working before proceding!



Edited by VideoRipper

Nah... I don't think your computer is at fault.

Remember not all CA-42 cables are the same (I guess 90% is actually a Nokia imitation).

As a consequence:

  • The colors of the cables may differ for the TX-, RX- and GND-lines
  • Certain CA-42 cables only work at 9600 Baud

But whatever you do... first make sure you've got the COM-port working before proceding!



Hi Peter,

I cracked the USB case, and same as can seen in the youtube video is my cable (exactly the same colors and the titles which say TX, RX, GND)

How do I know if the com port is working?

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