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Posted (edited)

i m new in this forums. i have basic knowledge of auto it v3 script. but i saw in some software whch is create by auto it. i know without serial keys how to make automatic softare install but i dont know how to make automatic software install which have serial key. like i want to make install software with autoit is adobephotoshop cs4 so how to make this installation with auto it?

Edited by cyber77

Posted (edited)

look into the documentation for "SendKeys" or "Send".


give me link. thnks.

Edited by cyber77

i m new in this forums. i have basic knowledge of auto it v3 script. but i saw in some software whch is create by auto it. i know without serial keys how to make automatic softare install but i dont know how to make automatic software install which have serial key. like i want to make install software with autoit is adobephotoshop cs4 so how to make this installation with auto it?

You can do it without auto it look here


The Creative Suite 4 Deployment Toolkit is an efficient, easy-to-use, and reliable application that configures Adobe Creative Suite 4's installers for

silent deployment. Its Adobe AIR-based (Adobe Integrated Runtime) interface allows you to create a remotely deployable install package without laboriously hand-editing configuration files.

Creative Suite 4 Deployment Toolkit


i m new in this forums. i have basic knowledge of auto it v3 script. but i saw in some software whch is create by auto it. i know without serial keys how to make automatic softare install but i dont know how to make automatic software install which have serial key. like i want to make install software with autoit is adobephotoshop cs4 so how to make this installation with auto it?

You can do it without auto it look here


The Creative Suite 4 Deployment Toolkit is an efficient, easy-to-use, and reliable application that configures Adobe Creative Suite 4's installers for

silent deployment. Its Adobe AIR-based (Adobe Integrated Runtime) interface allows you to create a remotely deployable install package without laboriously hand-editing configuration files.

Creative Suite 4 Deployment Toolkit

no bro. adobecs4 is just for example main purpose is learn about autoit and i want to make my own automatic install software. i think for make this type of software install use micro generator m i right. if u have any tutorial about it?


Here is an example of entering a serial key into a registration window. The GUI code is just for the example to receive the data sent so the only code of your interest is from the WinWait() function to the Exit keyword. The comments should help you understand as you stated you know the basics of making aa AutoIt3 script. :)


; wait for the window to appear
WinWait('Enter your registration key')

; this is an array of 6 elements ($key[6])
; the 1st element ([5,) in this example is used as a element count of the serial values
; the other 5 elements contain the serial
Global $key[6] = [5, 'abcd', 'efgh', 'ijkl', 'mnop', 'qrst']

; this loops 5 times and the value of $i will step from 1 to 5 (i.e 1,2,3,4,5)
; $key[0] returns the value of the 1st element which is 5
For $i = 1 To $key[0]
; this sends the X element of the array to EditX where X is the value of $i
ControlSetText('Enter your registration key', '', 'Edit' & $i, $key[$i])

; optional sleep just to show what has been achieved

; click the next button to proceed
ControlClick('Enter your registration key', '', '&Next')


; these functions are just for this example and not intended for other use

Func _Show_Example_Registration_Window()
Opt('GuiOnEventMode', True)
GUICreate('Enter your registration key', 350, 80)
GUICtrlCreateInput('', 50, 20, 45)
GUICtrlCreateInput('', 100, 20, 45)
GUICtrlCreateInput('', 150, 20, 45)
GUICtrlCreateInput('', 200, 20, 45)
GUICtrlCreateInput('', 250, 20, 45)
GUICtrlCreateButton('&Next', 300, 45)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(Default, '_Next')

Func _Next()

Posted (edited)

Here is an example of entering a serial key into a registration window. The GUI code is just for the example to receive the data sent so the only code of your interest is from the WinWait() function to the Exit keyword. The comments should help you understand as you stated you know the basics of making aa AutoIt3 script. :)


; wait for the window to appear
WinWait('Enter your registration key')

; this is an array of 6 elements ($key[6])
; the 1st element ([5,) in this example is used as a element count of the serial values
; the other 5 elements contain the serial
Global $key[6] = [5, 'abcd', 'efgh', 'ijkl', 'mnop', 'qrst']

; this loops 5 times and the value of $i will step from 1 to 5 (i.e 1,2,3,4,5)
; $key[0] returns the value of the 1st element which is 5
For $i = 1 To $key[0]
; this sends the X element of the array to EditX where X is the value of $i
ControlSetText('Enter your registration key', '', 'Edit' & $i, $key[$i])

; optional sleep just to show what has been achieved

; click the next button to proceed
ControlClick('Enter your registration key', '', '&Next')


; these functions are just for this example and not intended for other use

Func _Show_Example_Registration_Window()
Opt('GuiOnEventMode', True)
GUICreate('Enter your registration key', 350, 80)
GUICtrlCreateInput('', 50, 20, 45)
GUICtrlCreateInput('', 100, 20, 45)
GUICtrlCreateInput('', 150, 20, 45)
GUICtrlCreateInput('', 200, 20, 45)
GUICtrlCreateInput('', 250, 20, 45)
GUICtrlCreateButton('&Next', 300, 45)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(Default, '_Next')

Func _Next()

thnks mate. lets try it now. and how to build .exe. i know how to build i alredy bulded a simple setup by au3 recorder but when i tried to install via wpi its not installed.. at that time only run script in systemtray software does not installed. any idea about this.

Edited by cyber77

I have no idea what your issue is as I see no issue in front of me to correct. Generated au3recoder scripts are not easy to correct so I suggest you hand make an install script or try and use autoitmacrogenerator which will use control functions like for example ControlClick().


Hi MHz

Do you, by any chance, know how to set your own GUI main screen to have 'always-on-top' attribute?

I'm slowly learning GUICreate... func but does not have any idea how to do the above thing.



want to make autoit script for adobedreamweaver cs3.. all scriting r complete for installation but when installation complete i want to lunch adobe dreamweaver cs3.exe from programfile.

so which control i want to use? run() or controlclick().

thnks. script is here for install abobedreamweaver cs3.

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:

Author: myName

Script Function:

Template AutoIt script.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here

#region --- ScriptWriter generated code Start ---






WinWait("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: License Agreement","")

If Not WinActive("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: License Agreement","") Then WinActivate("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: License Agreement","")

WinWaitActive("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: License Agreement","")





WinWait("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Installation Location","")

If Not WinActive("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Installation Location","") Then WinActivate("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Installation Location","")

WinWaitActive("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Installation Location","")


WinWait("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Summary","")

If Not WinActive("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Summary","") Then WinActivate("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Summary","")

WinWaitActive("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Summary","")


WinWait("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Install","")

If Not WinActive("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Install","") Then WinActivate("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Install","")

WinWaitActive("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Install","")


WinWait("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Done","")

If Not WinActive("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Done","") Then WinActivate("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Done","")

WinWaitActive("Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Installer: Done","")




this script is for installing dreamweaver cs3. but after this complete i want to add code for lunch dreamweaver cs3 from programmefile so which coding i want to use for lunch dreamweaver cs3 from programmefile.


Hi MHz

Do you, by any chance, know how to set your own GUI main screen to have 'always-on-top' attribute?

I'm slowly learning GUICreate... func but does not have any idea how to do the above thing.


Hi Geej,

Sure, it is an extended style that is passed to GUICreate(). All the info is on the help page of GUICreate().

The items of interest are:

Extended Style table


$WS_EX_TOPMOST | Specifies that a window created with this style should be placed above all non-topmost windows and should stay above them, even when the window is deactivated.

and a little further down the page:

To use the values specified above you must #include <WindowsConstants.au3> in your script.

So for the example above, add this to the top of the script:

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

and replace this line:

GUICreate('Enter your registration key', 350, 80)


GUICreate('Enter your registration key', 350, 80, Default, Default, Default, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)



I have noticed a mirror of your question at the AutoIt forum here. It appears you have a reply that seems like a solution. I do not want to double the effort if you have the solution already. BTW with your titling of the topic, it is "AutoIt" as one word, not "Auto It".



If the install for Dreamweaver CS3 has unattend switches (so you can unattend install it from command prompt or run box) just use RunWait in your script. That way you don't have to rely on AutoIT to be able to click all the correct buttons for you.

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