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Recovery from a wanted sector

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Hi all,

After fixing the burnt parts from this hard drive


I succeeded with GetDataBack for NTFS to recover 60% of the data. But after this point the hard drive is getting hot and disconects.

How can I contiue the recovering from sector 591.016.022 (and from the begining) while all the drive is about 947,XXX,XXX sectors?

Is there any software which can recover data from a wanted sector and contiued to the end?

I can't start the recovery from the start (sector 0), since after a while the drive is shut it self off.

Many Thanks!!

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R-studio allow you to select the area where you want it to scan for lost files. It also allow the creation of disk images to recover from afterwards (very usefull when you have a faulty hard drive). I am not sure about creating many drive image area and then merging them and recover the datas from the merged image.

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R-studio allow you to select the area where you want it to scan for lost files. It also allow the creation of disk images to recover from afterwards (very usefull when you have a faulty hard drive). I am not sure about creating many drive image area and then merging them and recover the datas from the merged image.

R-Studio great software!!

Solved my problem!


Don't even think of recovering data from a defective hard disk. :w00t:

IMAGE it, (if needed in several sessions) then recover data from the image.

This tool is handy:



Great site!


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