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Installing some applications upon firstlogon

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Lol at this code boxes.

Anyways, it aint working, I am getting kinda frustrated now, since I have no idea on how to install the applications otherwise?

@ maxXPsoft

What switches do you use after the attrib?

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you did create the folder Dvd\sources\$OEM$\$1\APPSX86 and drop that file there?

Then right after Win is laid down on drive that folder will appear

I mounted image and copied the APPSX86 folder to the systemdrive.

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no no mount needed

You add them things to your DVD\Sources folder. Dvd\sources\$OEM$\$1\APPSX86

APPSX86 directory is present after installation? But if you say I should use $OEM$ then I will give that a try..

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APPSX86 directory is present after installation? But if you say I should use $OEM$ then I will give that a try..

Yes, $1 represents the system volume (the one Windows is installed to), which is of course usually C: on a clean install unless you've changed the drive letter with autounattend. That means that during installation (near the end, after the WIM has been laid down onto the disk) the contents of $OEM$\$1 will be copied to the system volume as their folder names - so for example, you would see this folder post-install as %systemdrive%\APPSX86.

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APPSX86 directory is present after installation? But if you say I should use $OEM$ then I will give that a try..

Yes, $1 represents the system volume (the one Windows is installed to), which is of course usually C: on a clean install unless you've changed the drive letter with autounattend. That means that during installation (near the end, after the WIM has been laid down onto the disk) the contents of $OEM$\$1 will be copied to the system volume as their folder names - so for example, you would see this folder post-install as %systemdrive%\APPSX86.

Yeah, lol I know about the $OEM$ folders and structures, same as with XP.

But what I meant was, I mounted the image, and copied the appsx86 folder to the %MOUNT% folder, which is the same as %systemdrive% after install, since the appsx86 was present @ %SYSTEMDRIVE% after installation.



The APPSX64 folder was between those when I mounted wim and copied folder! :)

Edited by Raoul90
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Allright, I did another tests and as expected it aint working again. :no:

do you only have 1 image file in your wim file also what what image are you installing with autounattend.xml i,e ultimate or is it enterprise. enterprise fair enough only one image but windows 7 x86 has 5 and x64 has 4.
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Allright, I did another tests and as expected it aint working again. :no:

do you only have 1 image file in your wim file also what what image are you installing with autounattend.xml i,e ultimate or is it enterprise. enterprise fair enough only one image but windows 7 x86 has 5 and x64 has 4.

I only use Professional 32 and Professional 64bit.

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Allright, I did another tests and as expected it aint working again. :no:

do you only have 1 image file in your wim file also what what image are you installing with autounattend.xml i,e ultimate or is it enterprise. enterprise fair enough only one image but windows 7 x86 has 5 and x64 has 4.

I only use Professional 32 and Professional 64bit.

you may only be installing professional but which is install.wim Image Index: 4 in x86 and Image Index: 3 in x64 but when you are modding the image it looks like image number 1 you are mounting which is starter or have you removed all other images.

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Allright, I did another tests and as expected it aint working again. :no:

do you only have 1 image file in your wim file also what what image are you installing with autounattend.xml i,e ultimate or is it enterprise. enterprise fair enough only one image but windows 7 x86 has 5 and x64 has 4.

I only use Professional 32 and Professional 64bit.

you may only be installing professional but which is install.wim Image Index: 4 in x86 and Image Index: 3 in x64 but when you are modding the image it looks like image number 1 you are mounting which is starter or have you removed all other images.

Yes I removed all other images, since I dont need them.

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Allright, I did another tests and as expected it aint working again. :no:

do you only have 1 image file in your wim file also what what image are you installing with autounattend.xml i,e ultimate or is it enterprise. enterprise fair enough only one image but windows 7 x86 has 5 and x64 has 4.

I only use Professional 32 and Professional 64bit.

you may only be installing professional but which is install.wim Image Index: 4 in x86 and Image Index: 3 in x64 but when you are modding the image it looks like image number 1 you are mounting which is starter or have you removed all other images.

Yes I removed all other images, since I dont need them.

Only other thing i can think of are you unmounting the wim file but didn't use commit.

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Allright, I did another tests and as expected it aint working again. :no:

do you only have 1 image file in your wim file also what what image are you installing with autounattend.xml i,e ultimate or is it enterprise. enterprise fair enough only one image but windows 7 x86 has 5 and x64 has 4.

I only use Professional 32 and Professional 64bit.

you may only be installing professional but which is install.wim Image Index: 4 in x86 and Image Index: 3 in x64 but when you are modding the image it looks like image number 1 you are mounting which is starter or have you removed all other images.

Yes I removed all other images, since I dont need them.

Only other thing i can think of are you unmounting the wim file but didn't use commit.

I did use comit, and also I tried the $OEM$ folder, both time the APPSX64 folder was present at %SYSTEMDRIVE%, I try to call the .cmd in the APPSX64 folder from autounattend.xml file:

        <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<CommandLine>cmd /C start /wait %systemdrive%\APPSX64\FirstLog.cmd</CommandLine>

But it the autounattend file doesnt call the .cmd.

I attached my X64 autounattended.


Edited by Raoul90
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The FirstLogonCommands setting specifies commands to run the first time a user logs on to the computer. These commands run only once.

Valid Configuration Passes

oobeSystem Configuration Pass

you have it in specialize

Edited by maxXPsoft
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