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Which of these need to be AddOns?


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n00b question: I've been Googling all evening but haven't found the answer to my question so i'm hoping for mercy here.

I'm preparing to build an SP3 ISO w/ nLite for my XP SP2 laptop. I want to add these M$ entries under Updates & Addons:

-- IE7

-- TweakUI

-- ClearType_PwrToy

-- msi Installer 4.5

-- dotNET 1.1 sp1

-- KB886903

-- KB928366

-- XUpdatePack-SP3-v1.0.27

-- dot.net 3.5 SP1

-- KB958481

-- KB958483

-- KB958484

What I haven't figured out is what determines when an exe will run as-is in this section of nlite and when it had to be converted into a "AddOn"? Which of the above files need to be turned into AddOns and which (besides the actual KBxxxxxxxx updates) will work just by adding them to this window? And if any of the above file need to become AddOns will AddOnMaker do the job?



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-- IE7 -> check again, but I'm pretty sure you can directly add it

-- TweakUI -> there is an add-on, search the Application Add-ons sub-forum of nLite

-- msi Installer 4.5 -> directly (if you use an update pack, check whether it's already inside)

-- dotNET 1.1 sp1 -> add-on (contains the two hotfixes below)

-- KB886903

-- KB928366

-- XUpdatePack-SP3-v1.0.27 -> directly

-- dot.net 3.5 SP1 -> add-on, same as .NET 1.1SP1. I would recommend you find AIO (All-In-One) add-on with all versions of .NET Framework

-- KB958481

-- KB958483

-- KB958484

-- ClearType_PwrToy -> don't know

Add-on MAker will probably not do much for you here. There are already add-ons for most of what you want to do, but if you want to create your own .NET add-ons (otherwise a bit tricky), you need THIS .

Don't just burn lots of CDs, use a virtual machine and test the ISOs to see how progress goes.

Enjoy (and use search)

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Thanks SB for all of your help.

But i'm still left with my main question: What is it about an exe, etc that allows it or prohibits it from being run directly by nLite under Updates / AddOns? (I have a guess but I don't want to put words in anybodies mouth)


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The Updates/Add-ons section is built mostly for the direct integration of updates/hotfixes from MS. The good part is that you can also use it, with the help of add-ons, to add applications in the SVCPACK folder, which will be executed during Windows setup with silent switches, making their installation quiet, fast and invisible.

How can you know whether you can use Add-on Maker or you need a special tool for a certain application? My best answer is experience (i.e. a lot of reading around). Take, for example, that an application contains a toolbar which you wouldn't want to install. An add-on would then not be the best solution for you, but it doesn't mean there aren't any (e.g., AutoIt).


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