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How to speed up boot process under Windows Vista or Windows 7

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  • 2 months later...

Hi @magicandre1981,

We were this close to solving the puzzle on superuser, and the thread got closed. I have decided to join MSFN, because I know it is futile trying to argue with arbitrarily appointed gatekeepers about gate keys :(:no::(

Can you please help me resolve this? I greatly appreciate it.

So, danke und tolle! I generated my XML :)

timing bootDoneViaExplorer="39003" bootDoneViaPostBoot="72103"

. Based on your previous comment above, booting takes 39 seconds, and fully booted in 62 secs (You subtracted 10 secs up there for some reason?)? Am I right? Wrong? Still trying to understand the file. Meanwhile, I ran a trace, and here is the ETL/CAB file. Please let me know what is the state of affairs now? Disabled SQL, & it seems, I have the latest INTEL drivers (v8.15.10.2086) already! Is this all we can do now?

Sorry, and thanks.

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Sorry if I am boring you now, but just a few requests:

  1. Can you post the part of the XML you use for calculating boot up and ready times? Can you also write one or two lines explaining what you look at at this point?
  2. Can you post part of the XML which shows what programmes are "disking"/disk activity?
  3. Can you post the part of the XML, where GPU uses CPU?

Thanks very much.

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Hello @magicandre1981,

Why am I getting this error?

I complained to Avira and they want me to run their own custom performance stat tool! Also, no 3rd party software, but only their own antivir! They again want me to collect *before* Avira and after installing Avira boot times! Back to install uninstall stupidity again... Customer support is some offshore unit in Malaysia, so there is no point in arguing back and forth on this!

So, I uninstalled Kaspersky (for the 3rd time! in 4 days) and ran

xbootmgr -trace boot -resultPath C:\Temp\no-av-run

This is my log:

[2013/06/12-11:15:57.249] Performance Analyzer Power Transition Performance Testing Utility (Microsoft® Windows® Performance Analyzer) Version 6.2.9200 - © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
[2013/06/12-11:15:57.249] Detected Win7RTM physical (ReadyBoot) prefetcher; the SysMain service is auto-started.
[2013/06/12-11:15:57.249] Registering for auto-run with a 120000 msec delay...
[2013/06/12-11:15:57.265] Completed auto-run change.
[2013/06/12-11:15:57.265] Starting trace...
[2013/06/12-11:15:57.358] Enabled boot logging to 'C:\Temp\no-av-run\\boot_BASE+CSWITCH_1_km_premerge.etl'

[2013/06/12-11:19:16.984] Performance Analyzer Power Transition Performance Testing Utility (Microsoft® Windows® Performance Analyzer) Version 6.2.9200 - © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
[2013/06/12-11:19:16.984] Detected Win7RTM physical (ReadyBoot) prefetcher; the SysMain service is auto-started.
[2013/06/12-11:19:17.000] Stopping trace...
[2013/06/12-11:19:17.967] Couldn't find kernel logger in active logger list.
[2013/06/12-11:19:17.967] Couldn't find user-mode logger in active logger list.
[2013/06/12-11:19:17.967] Unable to stop trace.
[2013/06/12-11:19:17.967] Stopping trace...
[2013/06/12-11:19:18.029] Unregistering auto-run...
[2013/06/12-11:19:18.029] Completed auto-run change.

What is going wrong?

Edited by Surio
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Very bizarre!

I cd'd to that directory... as in cd C:\Temp\no-av-run and ran the command minus the "resultPAth" and the command ran successfully! Maybe useful for others in the future!



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Thanks for replying. As of now, I got it working, by simply cd to that dir and running xbootmgr...

Presently, I am just running the xbootmgr w/o and with Avira and looking at my performance timing... It is the same... Avira progressively gets worse and worse boot timings as I do multiple logins... :(

Disk activity is back to 100% and for a prolonged time. :(

Just not good at all!


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buy a SSD to solve the boot issue when HDD is busy all the time.

I agree... but not presently... I just got a new 1 TB hdd. I am only running avira for helping fix the issues. If not, by this month end I am back to Kaspersky, which is not disk intensive at all!

In short, Kaspersky works well for me, I am helping the people in Avira debig the problem by installing Avira again. If it does not work out, back to Kaspersky.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've installed Defraggler, which replaces the Windows defrag tool (it doesn't have to but I selected that option at install and it shows under Advanced, so I guess it can be disabled after install) and set the Windows defrag service to disabled, to avoid any clashes.

Do you know if this method will still work, using Defraggler instead of the MS tool, or will I need to disable Defraggler and restore the MS tool first?

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since I used this method to speed up boot windows I noticed that on every reboot of the system is a creation of new files in the folder C: \ Windows \ Prefetch \ ReadyBoot. These files have the extension *. Avail, *. Dqpafm, *. Dqpafmsg, *. Dqpa, *. Dqpaf. the problem I have already posted some pages back is that I do not want these files are recreated on every reboot, when in every version of Windows 7 which has not been applied this method are not present and are not created by the system operating, as not necessary. these files also are increasingly fragmented and require unnecessary additional work hard drive. it is good to be suggested that in addition to how to use this method of speeding up the start, is also explained well how to undo the changes that the same has brought to the operating system. I look forward to answers.

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