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Hi All,

I am creating an unattended Windows 7 install using the AIK and deploying over MDT.

Everything is working a great, except one thing, after it installs the OS image, it displays the "Type your Windows Product Key" windows, which will skip, but I have to skip it manually.

I want this to skip unattended, because it pauses the process before installing software ect, meaning I can't leave builds running overnight.

Using a VL key isn't an option, as the PCs get deployed to 60+ different customers, meaning I can't specify a key in the image.

Any reply appreciated :)


Try this, after you skip it manually, install like you would normally do, when your install finishes retrieve the default key that skipping the key sets for Windows 7 (there should be one set)

Then you take that generic key and use it in your .xml

I think if you also right click on where you enter the key in WSIM and choose "Write Empty String" may work also


Thanks ricktendo64,

I'd tryed the empty string value before with no success.

I used Magic Jelly Bean's Keyfinder to retrieve a key from a 'no-product-key-entered' Win7, worked a treat, no longer interrupted by the prompt!


I used Magic Jelly Bean's Keyfinder to retrieve a key from a 'no-product-key-entered' Win7, worked a treat, no longer interrupted by the prompt!
I'll shamelessly plug my blog simply because it's relevant here - you can do this with Vista or Win7, and here are the keys:


If you need to do this in the future with Vista or Win7 versions, that's the list of "default" keys that get added to your install if you leave the box blank - use those in your unattended file and it achieves the same purpose without prompting you.

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