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components and tweak integration


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ah nice

i got 2 more questions :P

1. regarding commands for executing or copying from $OEM$ folder (listed up up), is it %Source%$OEM$ or

%Source%\$OEM$ ?

The last one. %Source%\$OEM$

2. same regarding copying or executing from $OEM$ folder, i read in tutorials here that microsoft has this limitation of 8 characters so all hotfixes or whatever has to be max long 8 chars, does this also apply for any folder in $OEM$ folder ?

for example i wish to copy Opera, Firefox and Iron portables to Disk with runonce via bat file, but dont know can i have long folder names as Opera_Portable, or it must be 8 chars long only ?

You can use long file names in $OEM$. The 8.3 limitation applies to the i386 folder. ;)

Edited by beats
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thank you for your previous responses :D

btw i encountered few problems with new "iso"

my reg tweaks did not get applied at all

i used as in this tutorial from cmdlines.txt

the REGEDIT32.EXE /S way

i first tested with their default keys (some are HCU some are HKLM), and thought as you said it will be applied to DEFAULT user, it didnt

then i renamed in reg files all keys to [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\...

but it also didnt get written in/applied (tested on both SP2 and SP3)

any idea why ?


also if i may ask, is there a way to silently install visual c++ 2008 redistributable ?

it looks like hotfix file but it extracts MSI GUI installer

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btw i encountered few problems with new "iso"

my reg tweaks did not get applied at all

i used as in this tutorial from cmdlines.txt

the REGEDIT32.EXE /S way

i first tested with their default keys (some are HCU some are HKLM), and thought as you said it will be applied to DEFAULT user, it didnt

then i renamed in reg files all keys to [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\...

but it also didnt get written in/applied (tested on both SP2 and SP3)

any idea why ?

Yes, like I said, put your actual commands in a batch file, not in cmdlines.txt itself (since it can be buggy). Let cmdlines.txt only call your batch file, nothing else. Put the actual commands, like "regedit /s my.reg", in that batch file.

also if i may ask, is there a way to silently install visual c++ 2008 redistributable ?

it looks like hotfix file but it extracts MSI GUI installer

Most hotfixes can be installed silently with /quiet /passive /norestart. You can extract most hotfixes with the /x parameter, if you want to obtain a MSI for example. MSI's can be installed silently with /qb (progress bar) or /qn (completely silent).

Edit: You can also use /? on most hotfixes, it will show you what switches are available.

Edited by beats
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ah beautifull

it worked nicely !

here is my last question hehe

is there a way to disable loading of that movie when XP installed

the one with white background showing tansition from blue XP flag to colored one ?

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ah beautifull

it worked nicely !

here is my last question hehe

is there a way to disable loading of that movie when XP installed

the one with white background showing tansition from blue XP flag to colored one ?

Alright. :)

Yes, there is. In WINNT.SIF, add this option to the [unattended] section: UnattendSwitch="yes"

For a more detailed overview, see the winnt.sif reference.

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what if i by any chance want to leave "user account" screen on

and just delete the movie file, do oyu might know its location and name ?

and would it break something if it would be deleted and not loaded then by setup ?

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