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Folder Redirection


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I seem to have fubared my domain by setting up roaming profiles and folder redirection. The only folder I redirected using GPO was My documents. I used it for a few days then decided I didn't like it, so deleted the policy, this didn't change anything so I created a new policy redirecting my documents back to the local users profile, this doesn't seemed to have happened on my workstation.

My documents is still directed to \\server01\data

If I navigate to \\server01 all of my shares are missing other than data, I know they are there because I can see them on my server.

If I goto \\server01\data\websites, I can see files in there that don't even exist anymore, comparing the folder contents directly on the server against what my workstation thinks are completely different.

I have researched this but have not found any conclusive answer.

Please help as I'm stuck big time.


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I would concur - folder redirection policies are not under the Administrative folder in gpedit, meaning they're not policy settings - they're registry tatoos. If you delete the policy, the registry settings are not deleted (unless you check the box to delete the setting if the policy is removed, which isn't 100% effective). It would be best when using non-administrative policies (like folder redirection and IE Maintenance policies) to have a backup of the previous registry that you can push back down in a logon script after you remove a registry tatoo policy like IEM or Folder Redir to be safe.

Lessons learned, I think.

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I have deleted the share and the GPO restarted both server and workstation, recreated the GPO with that all important tick box ticked and create a new share (different name). Did gpupdate, restarted computer, logged on and off several times but my documents location was always the same.

I have since changed it manually. If I delete the GPO now, will it disapear for good?

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Im getting close to wiping my server and never looking at folder redirection & roaming profiles again!

The schronization icon is flashing away in the corner and I cannot get rid of it. Everything is cancelled off on the server side, roaming profiles and folder direction. If I try and change the properties button I get an error message of System policy prohibits use of offline folders. I haven't set this policy up and can't find it anyway on the server, rsop.msc doesn't mention anything of that sort.

Please help as I can't even do any work because all my shares are not accessible. If I go to \\server01 all I can see is a data folder with the redirection icon on it.

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Oh dear, you do seem to have had a bad experience with Folder Redirection and Roaming Profiles. These type of problem are difficult to diagnose without actually seeing the system in question. Is it something as simple as the Share Permissions? I know that the default for Server 2003 is Read. And regardless of NTFS Permissions, it will be Read Only. I think it's a little too early to reformat and starting again. :hello:

Some screen shots might help.

Edited by FAT64
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The last time I experimented with Folder Redirection and Roaming Profiles, I never managed to get the AppData folder to go back to local machines. I got so frustrated that I rebuilt my entire domain from scratch.

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I've taken some screen shots so here they are:

1) View of server01 shares from my workstation


2) View of server01 shares from my other server (exchange server)


3) Results of Start > Run \\server01\c$ from my workstation


4) Results of Start > Run \\server01\c$ from other server


If you need to see anything else just say and i'll sort it out straight away!

Edited by Jinx_Inc
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Your workstation thinks there is one share called "Data", and your exchange server thinks there are seven shares none of them called "Data". How odd. (As a side note I always disable folder synchronization, that could be causing some of the issues you may be experiencing.) I assume the shares reside on another drive/partition on your DC? Are you sure your IP scheme is correctly implemented? Are you absolutely sure that DNS is correctly configured? (Locating shares/resources uses DNS.)

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Exchange server is exactly correct, there are several shares on server 01. It's really strange, as the share "data" doesn't even exists on server01 anymore! All the shares on Server01 are seperate partitions, music, software and so on. If I try \\server01\d$ e$ f$ which are all valid, I get "the network path was not found" when if I do the same on server02, it works great. My workstation seems to have cache the old data.

Could you elaborate on the IP scheme and dns stuff that you mentionned? I'm pretty sure all is ok as for any other machine it's working great!

Here is a screen shot of various things from Synchronize:


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It's just that "network path not found" tends to be a DNS issue. You might want to clear the DNS cache on your workstation by running "ipconfig /flushdns" in a command window - Start>Run>cmd.

Do you use the 192.168.X.Y scheme for your network? Is your DC the DNS server? What do you get for "nslookup server.domain.name" when run on the workstation in a command window?

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Have tried ipconfig /flushdns but no avail.

My ip range is 192.168.50.xx

Server01 is DC, DHCP & DNS Server

Results of nslookup server01.linusit.local:

Server: server01.linusit.local


Name: server01.linusit.local


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Is the "Computer Browser" service set to Automatic on the workstation?

Failing that, do you have "Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP" configured on the workstaion NIC?

Failing that, is the "Routing and Remote Access" service set to anything but Manual in the workstation?

Failing all that, I'm struggling as to what to suggest next. :unsure:

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