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Lock mac for certain ip

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i m using with an isp. My office (ISP) provides private ip for customers. We have customers using different different speed, that's why we vary the bandwidth with ip address.

But our some of customers come to know the ip address which has more bandwidth than there ip has, so thay change there ip with the ip having more bandwidth.

I want to know is there any way that i can ristrict customers or user to changing there ip or is there any third party software or any tricks or registry tweaks which can lock there nic-card mac address with a certain ip address.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You could probably associate MACs with IPs, depending on your software. But if your users are sharp enough to be hopping IPs then they'll find that it is just as easy to spoof a MAC.

But a solution to lock your client's machines down to an IP/MAC? That would involve putting software on their boxes. And these customers sound too savvy to be OK with their ISP deciding to invade their home machines.

I recommend you pursue another avenue of user authentication. There are lots of solutions for ISPs but most of them depend on your infrastructure technologies.

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