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What to use for Project/Tasks Management


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i am wondering if outlook will be good for project/tasks management? i know theres a "TODO" list kind of thing. and the calendar. so maybe outlook is good for this? i dont think i need alot of stuff in Office Project. then for my "note taking" i guess onenote will be good?

i am a software/web developer who wishes to have a way of managing my work, projects and project tasks. then have onenote for "note taking"? btw, since i am a developer, i hope to have some code coloring for my codes, mainly PHP for now. can OneNote do this? any plugins etc? btw any integration between Outlook calendars/tasks with onenote?

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i am looking for something which will help me with my projects & tasks management, targets etc. it will be good if it can also handle code coloring - PHP, C# etc.

i am looked at web based @ first but feel sometimes its abit slow because of network latency. so now thinking of using something local.

Office Project seems to be overkill

Office Outlook (for its Calendar + TODO list) + OneNote (for "note taking" replace a web based "blog") seems to be one option

Any others?

some features that will be good to have are:

- Calendar (Various Calendars for different Categories eg. Personal, Work etc)

- Projects/Tasks/Todo list

- Target Deadline + Actual completed date

- Notes/Blog for tracking progress (best integrated with Projects/Tasks)

what is the "enterprise" way of managing project? but how do u personally manage projects?

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Ms Excel is also a sulution for you, you can great a simple prof looking gant chart, and also do some formating to confirm if on time = green, amber = for late but in hand, and red for show stopper....


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i am wondering if outlook will be good for project/tasks management? i know theres a "TODO" list kind of thing. and the calendar. so maybe outlook is good for this? i dont think i need alot of stuff in Office Project. then for my "note taking" i guess onenote will be good?

i am a software/web developer who wishes to have a way of managing my work, projects and project tasks. then have onenote for "note taking"? btw, since i am a developer, i hope to have some code coloring for my codes, mainly PHP for now. can OneNote do this? any plugins etc? btw any integration between Outlook calendars/tasks with onenote?

Have you looked at, tried, and/or considered using Microsoft Office Project?

(Disregard this post as you mentioned in your duplicate post the Project is overkill.)

Edited by gamehead200
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I recommend (the $0 route naturally)

Subversion with TortoiseSVN shell extension to manage the source


and TRAC would beat 'note taking' imho for task/project mgmt.


edit: i suppose that means subversion and TRAC are a bit overkill then as well.

Edited by iamtheky
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hmm i actually use SVN currently, google code ... i am still looking out for something for me to plan my project. like deadlines/target finish dates/todo lists rather that tracking changes.

Project ... i dont know too much abt it ... i nv really used it b4 so maybe because it seems abit intimidating i felt it was too much ...

Edited by iceangel89
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