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Windows installation problems


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I had these same errors during my first attempt to slipstream XP Pro (32 Bit) and thought it might be related to mis-ordered hotfixes.

Then I downloaded RyanVM's hotfix lists and tried again, resulting in the same problem(s).

I had started from scratch this time, even going so far as to uninstall & reinstall nLite, no change.

Got this 3 times in a row during the windows installation process and a couple more times during/after the addons installations:


And during the DirectX installation:



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On the original XP Pro disk, framedyn.dl_ is in the I386 folder, wmdrmsdk.dl_ is not on the disk anywhere.

They are both in the I386 folder in the root folder for this installation under nLite. SP3 could've put it there.

Batch file, with .txt added to allow for upload:


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You should be able to integrate the following hotfixes in this order





but you can't integrate .NET Framework 2, 3 or 3.5. However, there are addons that can integrated with nLite here , here and in RyanVM's forums. Perhaps it would be worth it testing this.

Edited by Sp0iLedBrAt
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arpharazon, what version of Windows are you running nLite under? I see that it is Windows NT 5.2.3790. This is the same as my XP x64. I think this version number is also W2003, both 32 and 64 bit. Are you running nLite under a 64 bit OS? If so, that may be your problem. You can try running nLite.exe in SP2 XP Compatibility Mode. Also take a look in dosnet.inf. Both of these files should be mentioned there. The files should be in your dllcache folder in the System32 folder after install. Please let us know what you learn. Enjoy, John.

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I am running nLite under my XPx64, the compatibility mode goes up to "Windows XP" with no SP's.

Net Framework and it's updates (and some other items) are all under RunOnce and are included in the batch file. I tried to leave this set-up the same way I had under the x64 slipstream, just with x86 versions of the files.

I pre slipstream WMP11 with it's hotfixes/updates and integrate it into the root folder for the installation, also the same as I did for the x64. I found that pre-slipstreaming it avoids the need for validating it. Unless there is some problem doing this for x86 and not x64?

And yeah, I think there might be an issue with the order of the hotfixes. With my x64 SS, I added the 3 digit numbers Kurt_Aust had on the hotfixes. The #'s didn't carry over into nLite, but I think the #'s kept them in the proper order when nLite did integrate them. I haven't found a hotfix list for x86 that has this type of numbering, so I'm unsure of the correct order. I know with the previous list (x64) that the hotfixes were not always in "KB#" order.

Edited by arpharazon
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arpharazon, I was wrong about the SP compatibility. You are correct, sorry about that. I am really uncomfortable with the pre type work with WMP11 and its updates. Have you checked the update pact you are using to see if it has WMP11 or its updates? I would suggest you run some experiments. Do no pre work. Create a fresh source, run you Last Session with your update pack and let us know if that works. I have never used update packs for the reasons of lack of control and understanding of what is in it. I suggest you should check out the thread where you got the pack. It should have a list of contained updates. They should be in the correct order. Does it contain IE7 (or IE8), IE updates, WMP11 (and updates?) So, you can try it under XP Compatibility mode and with these other inclusions/exclusions. Please let us hear. Kurt_Aust's three digit numbers are for his UpdatePrep.bat and I don't think they have any other use other than to enable a human to verify the order. You are correct again, KB number are not always in order. The order should be the MS release order. Enjoy, John.

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OK. Ran it without ANY WMP or (apparently) IE integrations, it finished without any errors.

It still ignored the resolution settings I set up in unattended, and has WMP9 & IE6.

I think I'll try adding WMP11 without it's own hotfixes integrated next.

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arpharazon, missing resolution may be a consequence of using XP x64. There have been other posts about missing resolution, but I don't remember the outcome. Please do a search here. And Please attach your latest Last Session. Enjoy, John.

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arpharazon, thanks. I see you are running under XP. Are you installing on HW or a virtual system? I use VMware Server and my resolution has always worked fine. During Setup, the window is small, but when Windows comes up, all is good and the resolution is correct. I notice you are including no drivers. If you are installing on HW, perhaps the Windows default display driver does not support 1024x768. Enjoy, John.

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Right now doing VMware and it keeps coming up as 800x600 when I have it set to 1024x768 in Unattended.

And like you said before, even if I had "normal" drivers included, VMware ignores them. If you remember, I never had any luck with drivers on my X64 SS on HW. But under x64, the resolution was always what I set it as with no drivers. Not a huge deal to set it afterwards, but strange that it doesn't work right in XPx86.

I've never gone with the virtual drivers, since it wouldn't be an accurate representation of what the "real" drivers would do in an HW installation, and I used VMware to iron out these other quirks without spending too much time on it.

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I went with the direct integration of WMP and added IE7 and it's few hotfixes into the hotfix step. Weird thing is, WMP11 runs OK without wanting to be validated, whereas in x64, the direct integration wanted to be validated afterwards and the pre-integration "version" worked fine.

I put the WMP11 hotfixes into the RunOnce folder and added them to RUN1_XP-86.BAT which I had left out of the last few installations. The batch file also has net framework and it's SP's, directX and other items. Again, I went with the x86 versions of everything I had in there for the x64 installation.

This has worked well. No errors about missing .dll's and everything seems to work and is the correct version. Screen resolution still starts at the minimum (800x600). I may try some device drivers in an HW environment.



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A new issue. I set this slipstream up to login as the admin. After a couple boots it gives me the login screen for the admin password, but I type it in , hit enter and it ignores it and the password field goes back to blank.

Edit: Though after changing the P/W to the same in User Accounts, it works OK to get back in.

Edited by arpharazon
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