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Windows 7 RC and components to keep


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I am looking for barebone/minimum vlite component list for windows 7 RC build.

Which components must be kept in order to succesfully install it without major problems?

On the beta topic, there was mentioned:

-Internet Explorer

-Help ??

How about RC build?

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Liee you, i'm interested in getting W7 as small as possible.

I know that this Last Session.ini works fine with build 7100 x64.

It gives u and iso of 1.83GB (ultimate ed) and a Windows folder of 6.83GB

I'm pretty sure a lot more can be stripped out...I'll keep trying and report back.

; vLite preset file
; vLite v1.2
; Framework 2.0.50727.4913
; Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7068.0 64-bit
; Windows 7 ULTIMATE 64-bit
; Version 6.1 English (United States)


;# Accessories #
Games-Inbox Games
Games-Premium Inbox Games
Mobility Center
Speech Support
Welcome Center

;# Drivers #
Diva Server
QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter
TV Tuners-ADS Technologies
TV Tuners-ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
TV Tuners-AVerMedia Technologies, Inc.
TV Tuners-Compro Technology Inc.
TV Tuners-Conexant Systems, Inc.
TV Tuners-Creatix
TV Tuners-Hauppauge
TV Tuners-KNC ONE GmbH
TV Tuners-KWorld
TV Tuners-Lumanate, Inc.
TV Tuners-Philips Semiconductors
TV Tuners-Pinnacle Systems
TV Tuners-TerraTec Electronic GmbH
TV Tuners-VidzMedia Pte Ltd.

;# Hardware Support #
Fax Support
Floppy Disk Support
TV Tuner support

;# Languages #
Simplified Chinese
Table Driven Text Input Processor
Traditional Chinese

;# Multimedia #
Media Center
Music and Video samples
Sample Pictures

;# Network #
Connect to a Network Projector
Remote Desktop and Assistance
Windows Collaboration
Windows Mail

;# Services #
Offline Files
Quality Windows Audio Video Experience
Windows Search

;# System #
Natural Language
Parental Controls
Run a legacy CPL elevated
Security Center
Sync Center
System Restore
Tablet PC
User Account Control (UAC)
Windows Defender
Windows Easy Transfer

DEP (Data Execution Prevention) = Default
User Account Control (UAC) = Disabled
AntiSpyware Realtime Protection = Default
AutoPlay = Enabled
Paging Executive = Enabled
Power scheme = Balanced
Power button = Default
Sleep button = Default
Control Panel - Classic View = Default
Show hidden files and folders = No
Show protected operating system files = No
Show extensions for known file types = No
IE Phishing Filter = Default
IE Phishing Verification Ballon Tips = Default







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Hello, This is the best vlited windows 7 RC OS

It works very very fast ;-)

Don't forget.. it is for X64..

I have not try it for X86

; vLite preset file



; vLite v1.2

; Framework 2.0.50727.4918

; Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7100.0 64-bit



; Windows 7 ULTIMATE 64-bit

; Version 6.1 English (United States)



Aero Glass

; Aero Glas

Internet Explorer

; Internet Explorer

Internet Information Services (IIS)

; Internet Information Services (IIS)



;# Services #

Task Scheduler

; Aufgabenplanung

User-mode Driver Framework

; Benutzermodus Treibersystem

Computer Browser

; Computer Browser


; Diagnose

Distributed Link Tracking Client

; Distributed Link Tracking Client

Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC)

; Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC)

DNS Client

; DNS Client

Interactive Services Detection

; Erkennung interaktiver Dienste

Protected Storage

; Geschützter Speicher

IP Helper

; IP Hilfe

Offline Files

; Offlinedateien

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

; RAS-Verbindungsverwaltung

Remote Registry

; Remote-Registrierung

Routing and Remote Access

; Routing und RAS

Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)

; Secure Socket Tunneling-Protokoll (SSTP)

Secondary Logon

; Sekundäre Anmeldung

SSDP Discovery

; SSDP-Suche

TCP/IP NetBios Helper

; TCP/IP-NetBIOS-Hilfsdienst

TPM Base Services

; TPM-Basisdienste

Universal Plug and Play (UPNP)

; Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)

Quality Windows Audio Video Experience

; Verbessertes Windows-Audio/Video-Streaming

Volume Shadow Copy

; Volume-Schattenkopie

WebDAV (WebClient)

; WebDAV (WebClient)

Windows Connect Now

; Windows Connect Now

Windows Remote Management

; Windows Remote Management

Windows Time

; Windows Zeit

Windows Event Log

; Windows-Ereignisprotokoll

;# Hardware Support #

Floppy Disk Support

; Diskettenlaufwerkunterstützung

Printer Support

; Druckerunterstützung

Fax Support

; Faxunterstützung

Firewire (1394)

; Firewire (1394)

Infrared Support

; Infrarotunterstützung

Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)

; Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)

Microsoft Multi-Path Bus

; Microsoft Multi-Pfad Bus

Modem Support

; Modemunterstützung


; Smartcards

TV Tuner support

; TV Tuner Unterstützung

Windows Image Acquisition

; Windows Bilderfassung

Windows HotStart

; Windows HotStart

Windows Portable Devices

; Windows tragbare Geräte

XBOX 360 Controller

; XBOX 360 Controller

;# Multimedia #

Sound Recorder

; Audiorecorder

Sample Pictures

; Beispielbilder


; Bildschirmschoner

Media Center

; Media Center

Music and Video samples

; Musik- und Video-Beispiele


; SideShow

Media Metadata Handler

; Video-Metadatensteuerung

Shell event sounds

; Windows Sounds

;# Network #

File and printer sharing (Server)

; Datei- und Druckerfreigabe (Server)

Simple TCPIP services

; Einfache TCPIP-Dienste

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

; Einfaches Netzwerkverwaltungsprotokoll (SNMP)

Remote Desktop Client

; Remote Desktop Client

Remote Desktop and Assistance

; Remote Desktop und Hilfe

RIP Listener

; RIP-Listener

Telnet Client

; Telnet-Client

Telnet Server

; Telnet-Server

TFTP Client

; TFTP-Client

Connect to a Network Projector

; Verbindung mit Netzwerkprojektor

Distributed File System (DFS)

; Verteiltes Dateisystem (DFS)

Windows Mail

; Windows Mail

Windows Collaboration

; Windows Teamarbeit

;# Languages #


; Arabisch


; Brasilianisch


; Bulgarisch


; Dänisch


; Deutsch


; Estnisch


; Finnisch


; Französisch


; Griechisch


; Hebräisch


; Italienisch


; Japanisch


; Koreanisch


; Kroatisch


; Lettisch


; Litauisch


; Niederländisch


; Norwegisch


; Polnisch


; Portugiesisch


; Rumänisch


; Russisch


; Schwedisch


; Serbisch


; Siamesisch (Thai)


; Slowakisch


; Slowenisch


; Spanisch

Table Driven Text Input Processor

; Tabellengesteuerter Text-Eingabe-Prozessor

Traditional Chinese

; Traditionelles Chinesisch


; Tschechisch


; Türkisch


; Ukrainisch


; Ungarisch

Simplified Chinese

; Vereinfachtes Chinesisch

;# System #


; Beep

User Account Control (UAC)

; Benutzerkontensteuerung (UAC)

BitLocker Drive Encryption

; BitLocker Laufwerksverschlüsselung

Disk Quota

; Datenträgerkontingente


; Hilfe

IMAPIv2 Burning Support

; IMAPIv2-Brennunterstützung

Jet Database Engine

; Jet Database Engine

Parental Controls

; Jugendschutz

Run a legacy CPL elevated

; Kompatibilitätsmodus für veraltete CPL

Microsoft Client For NFS

; Microsoft Client für NFS

Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)

; Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)

Natural Language

; Natürliche Sprache

Remote Differential Compression

; Remote Differenz Komprimierung

Security Center

; Sicherheitscenter

Software Quality Management (SQM)

; Software Quality Management (SQM)

Crash Dump Support

; Speicherabbilderstellung

Sync Center

; Synchronisierungscenter

System Restore

; Systemwiederherstellung

Tablet PC

; Tablet PC

Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA)

; Untersystem für UNIX-basierte Anwendungen (SUA)

Windows Defender

; Windows Defender

Windows Easy Transfer

; Windows Easy Transfer

Windows SAT (Performance Index)

; Windows SAT (Leistungsindex)

Zip Folder

; ZIP-Ordner

Reliability and Performance Monitor

; Zuverlässigkeits- und Leistungsüberwachung

;# Drivers #

Diva Server

; Diva Server

Printers-Generic printer

; Drucker-Allgemeine Drucker


; Modems

QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter

; QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter


; Scanner

Storage controllers-Adaptec

; Speichercontroller-Adaptec

Storage controllers-Elxstor

; Speichercontroller-Elxstor

Storage controllers-IBM ServeRAID

; Speichercontroller-IBM ServeRAID

Storage controllers-ICP vortex

; Speichercontroller-ICP vortex

Storage controllers-Intel (Matrix)

; Speichercontroller-Intel (Matrix)

Storage controllers-nVidia

; Speichercontroller-nVidia

Storage controllers-SiS

; Speichercontroller-SiS

Storage controllers-Via

; Speichercontroller-Via

TV Tuners-ADS Technologies

; TV-Tuner-ADS Technologies

TV Tuners-ASUSTeK Computer Inc.

; TV-Tuner-ASUSTeK Computer Inc.

TV Tuners-AVerMedia Technologies, Inc.

; TV-Tuner-AVerMedia Technologies, Inc.

TV Tuners-Compro Technology Inc.

; TV-Tuner-Compro Technology Inc.

TV Tuners-Conexant Systems, Inc.

; TV-Tuner-Conexant Systems, Inc.

TV Tuners-Creatix

; TV-Tuner-Creatix

TV Tuners-Hauppauge

; TV-Tuner-Hauppauge

TV Tuners-KNC ONE GmbH

; TV-Tuner-KNC ONE GmbH

TV Tuners-KWorld

; TV-Tuner-KWorld

TV Tuners-Lumanate, Inc.

; TV-Tuner-Lumanate, Inc.

TV Tuners-Philips Semiconductors

; TV-Tuner-Philips Semiconductors

TV Tuners-Pinnacle Systems

; TV-Tuner-Pinnacle Systems

TV Tuners-TerraTec Electronic GmbH

; TV-Tuner-TerraTec Electronic GmbH

TV Tuners-VidzMedia Pte Ltd.

; TV-Tuner-VidzMedia Pte Ltd.

;# Accessories #

Welcome Center

; Begrüßungscenter

Disk Cleanup

; Datenträgerbereinigung


; Eingabehilfen

Mobility Center

; Mobilitätscenter

Games-Premium Inbox Games

; Spiele-Windows-Premium-Spiele

Games-Inbox Games

; Spiele-Windows-Spiele

Speech Support

; Spracherkennung

System Information

; Systeminformationen

Windows Sidebar and Gadgets

; Windows Sidebar und Minianwendungen (Gadgets)


; WordPad

Character Map

; Zeichentabelle


DEP (Data Execution Prevention) = Default

; DEP (Datenausführungsverhinderung) = Standard

User Account Control (UAC) = Enabled

; Benutzerkontensteuerung (UAC) = Aktiviert

AntiSpyware Realtime Protection = Default

; Deaktiviere AntiSpyware-Echtzeitschutz = Standard

AutoPlay = Enabled

; Automatische Wiedergabe = Aktiviert

Paging Executive = Enabled

; Auslagerungsverhalten = Aktiviert

Power scheme = Balanced

; Energieschema = Ausbalanciert

Power button = Default

; Netzschalter = Standard

Sleep button = Default

; Energiespartaste = Standard

Control Panel - Classic View = Default

; Systemsteuerung - Klassische Ansicht = Standard

Show hidden files and folders = No

; Versteckte Dateien und Ordner anzeigen = Nein

Show protected operating system files = No

; Geschützte Systemdateien anzeigen = Nein

Show extensions for known file types = No

; Dateierweiterungen von bekannten Dateitypen anzeigen = Nein

IE Phishing Filter = Default

; IE-Phishingfilter = Standard

IE Phishing Verification Ballon Tips = Default

; IE-Phishing-Verifizierung Ballon-Tipps = Standard







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I had netsh related popups and setup aborted. Network Sharing Center or File and printer sharing needed?


Network and Sharing Center is neccesary.

You do not remove this component..

File Printer Sharing you could remove with no problem.. Only Home Group doesn't work...

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