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I want to know how can i increase my laptop wifi singnal.because where i live i have many wifi conection but they have low signals.plz told me which instrument i will instal in my computer to increase wifi signl

Edited by DigeratiPrime
Used Word to remove all CAPS
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Your laptop will have a built-in aerial, which I doubt you can change/modify. Where is the signal being broadcast from? A router? An access point? Some wireless hardware have the ability to increase the signal being output. Failing that, sit closer to the router/access point :P

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thanks for all to giving ans but fat 16 u like to tell me what name of cheap router.

i have hp laptop pavlion dv5-1110e which way i can find built in antena in it


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I will attempt to translate:

Thanks to all of you for giving me answers. But FAT64 would you please tell me the name of a cheap router?

I have a HP Pavilion DV5-1110e, how do I find the built in antenna?

lol twitter and texting is killing the world..

I am still trying to get over the fact that nearly ALL of his posts are all in capitols...

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I will attempt to translate:
Thanks to all of you for giving me answers. But FAT64 would you please tell me the name of a cheap router?

I have a HP Pavilion DV5-1110e, how do I find the built in antenna?

lol twitter and texting is killing the world..

Thanks for the translation. I think you got it right.

Perhaps he could start with a price-sorted search?

I am still trying to get over the fact that nearly ALL of his posts are all in capitols...
I already addressed that. Hopefully it is fixed now.
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Thanks Friends u r all genius.But my question is still there no one solved.

I need help and u all friends doing Help to corect my English.

Very thanks again.

My dear if i setup a router can i get more signal on my Laptop.

I am getting free wifi net.

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TomCom2k gave you a perfect answer in post #4. You just need to calm down and pay attention!

You will not be able to change your internal wifi setup, just get an enhanced usb external wifi for your laptop.

Or move closer to one of the signal points.

Edited by Kelsenellenelvian
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