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More than one Operating system (Windows7/Vista) on one DVD


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Can someone with good scripting skills help me create a batch that will automate varun037's method?

Probably you Nois3. For some reason your script doesn't work for me. It stops working at

Bcdedit /store "%BCDFILE%" /set %guid1% systemroot \Windows

Thank You!

Here it is

Rem BCD (boot configuration data) editor for multiple vista pe

set BCD-File="c:\bcd 1\BCD"

set pename="Your PE Name"

set filena=[boot]\sources\yourwimfile.wim

for /f "eol=r tokens=1-2" %%a in ('bcdedit /store %BCD-File% /ENUM all') do set rdo=%%b

for /f "tokens=1-7" %%a in ('Bcdedit /store %BCD-File% /copy {default} /d %pename%') do set guid1=%%g
bcdedit /store %BCD-File% /set %guid1:~0,38% DEVICE ramdisk=%filena%,%rdo%
bcdedit /store %BCD-File% /set %guid1:~0,38% OSDEVICE ramdisk=%filena%,%rdo%

bcdedit /store %BCD-File% /ENUM

Run it as many times as you like to add multiple pes after changing the variables - bcd-file, pename, filena

remember not to use any spaces in filena variable

Rest all is auto

Edited by varun037
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I just burnt a DVD with Win7 and several other winpe to see if it works. I tested it first in virtualbox , boot menu shows up normal and where besides one winpe not starting, the other 4 ran smooth. But, booting on the real machine, the boot menu is GONE. Nothing shows up. Black screen.

I'm trying to see what's causing this, but can't think of anything right now. Still searching.

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and regarding the one pe that doesnot work check the other files that are included in the pe dvd. It may have some seperate drivers like norton ghost has. That folder is also to be copied onto the combined dvd...

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I think is due to the fact that Win 7 hasn't got all the "goodies" put inside. I get some strange bugs, features of bcdedit not working.

It might be due to the fact I run on build 7057.

The boot menu not showing is very weird. In virtualBox everything is working flawlessly, iso and burnt DVD.

I'll install build 7077 Sunday night, and get back to you on that.

edit: You said something about optimization. You mean ultraiso optimization? It might be the culprit.

What about creating the iso with oscdimage? Or cdimage. MS does it that way.

Edited by atolica
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I am currently using windows xp to do all the stuff. I just copied bcdedit file from vista->system32 to xp->system32 folder. I have tested this is the actual environment and works flawlessly for me. Its just fine.

I dont know about Windows 7. Its still in beta stage. Have read somewhere in this forum only that the bcdedit is still in development stage. Some changes are being made to it and vista file is better than vista sp1. Might be I will suggest you to use bcdedit file from vista installation. U may use imagex or winmount to mount the wim image to extract the file.

Thanks for the suggestion but I was able to solve the problem of optimization only by using same version of ntdll.dll file in windows installations and windows xp live. Otherwise it always gave me an hard error. I dont know y during optimization to files of different versions and different sizes shall get mixed up. I had to rebuid the pe from xp sp3 pack.

Edited by varun037
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You were right. Windows 7 betas BCDEDIT it is still being developed that's why it didn't work. But using the one inside vista sp1 solved the problem.

It seems MS is not releasing fully working utilities with the betas. The vista+sp1 bcdedit size is 326 KB (334,336 bytes) when Windows 7 build 7057 bcdedit is 287 KB (293,888 bytes). This might explain that behavior.

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  • 11 months later...

Hi, I read the post and I downloaded the file. It's great. But I have a problem. I can't use this method on Windows XP. So I have a request to someone. Could someone create for me a BCD file, which contains:

Active Boot Disk - Loads acd.wim

Eset RescueCD - Loads ercd.wim

Searach and Destroy - Loads sad.wim

Thnanks a lot for help.

Edited by cluberti
Please don't quote a post (especially a large one) when there's no need. Edited.
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Hi, I read the post and I downloaded the file. It's great. But I have a problem. I can't use this method on Windows XP. So I have a request to someone. Could someone create for me a BCD file, which contains:

Active Boot Disk - Loads acd.wim

Eset RescueCD - Loads ercd.wim

Searach and Destroy - Loads sad.wim

Thnanks a lot for help.

You can do this on xp without any trouble. Just grab bcdedit.exe from any nt6.x source, and modify your BCD store directly. Follow the instructions earlier in this thread. Last time I checked there was a limit on 13 entries in the BCD that bootmgr could show. Btw, when I pxe boot the Active Boot Disk (wim), I need to copy the license file to the root of the second image inside that wim. Not sure if that applies to cd/dvd booting. I also run erd6.0, erd6.5 and lots of other stuff from the same bcd. AS long as they are nt6.x based, their respective bcd entries are very similar, only distinguished by guid, description, device and osdevice.


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My friend sended me bcdedit.exe file from Windows 7, but it doesn't work. If I try to run the program, I see an error (I have polish Windows XP, so I don't know, if I translated it properly)

bcdedit.exe isn't a true Win32 application.

Does the error depend on it, that the file is broken or how can I solve my problem?

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My friend sended me bcdedit.exe file from Windows 7, but it doesn't work. If I try to run the program, I see an error (I have polish Windows XP, so I don't know, if I translated it properly)

bcdedit.exe isn't a true Win32 application.

Does the error depend on it, that the file is broken or how can I solve my problem?

I don't know what your friend sent you, but on my xp machines (32-bit norwegian and english) bcdedit.exe works fine..


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I didn't think about that. He has got a 64 bit Windows 7 and I have got 32 bit Windows XP. Could you plese send me your bcdedit.exe. I would be grateful.

Edited by krzyk91
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I followed the instructions here and runned bcdedit on Windows VIsta, 7 and copied the bcdedit.exe to Windows XP and it doesn't work. I wrote: bcdedit /store bcd /enum and I see the following error:

bcdedit /store bcd /enum

It appears on every operating system. It also tried 3 different images Active Boot Disk, Eset RescueCD ,Searach and Destroy. And it doesn't work. What can I do with it?

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