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software deployment


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I am trying to find a way to deploy software to workgroup base PCs.

I read an article in here, deploying via RIS, other than RIS is there another way to deploy the software(any tools).

I don't mean deploying it via AD, to do this you have to be on a domain!!!

thx in adv

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Er, should have stipulated... your Network Card (in the "installee") has to support it (an extra "chip" on it).

And that's for Windows (or any OS) Installs. If you're referring to "other than the Operating System software", AFIAK nope (could be wrong)!

A "Push" install (not too clear on the details of this at all) may another method (other-than an OS)...

Edited by submix8c
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assume this: your PC x is in a domain and you want to deploy MS word package, so what do you do. you deploy this via GPO.

now to do this the PC x should be on this domain.

I want to do the same thing(deploy the software) but the PC x is in workgroup.

thanks a lot for the replies

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(see attached image for this - LogonScript)


To perform this procedure, you must be the member of the Power Users group who created the account or a member of the Administrators group on the local computer, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority. If the computer is joined to a domain, members of the Domain Admins group might be able to perform this procedure. As a security best practice, consider using Run as to perform this procedure.

To open Computer Management, click Start, click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management.

Logon scripts can contain malicious commands. It is recommended that you be familiar with the contents of the logon script before assigning it to a user.

Logon scripts that are stored on a local computer apply only to users logging on to that local computer.

Local logon scripts must be stored in a shared folder, or subfolders of the shared folder, named Netlogon. If this folder does not exist by default, you must create it. To specify a logon script that is stored in a subfolder of the Netlogon folder, precede the file name with the relative path to that folder. For example, to assign the Startup.bat logon script stored in \\ComputerName\Netlogon\FolderName to a local user, in Logon script, type: FolderName\Startup.bat

Would this help at all? It would require signing on to each PC. I guess this would be a kind of "Pull" install...

Or... SMS (trial from MS)? (PUSH installs? ...just glanced at it, ddn't notice anything about AD(?)...)

Or... (your on your own on this) - NUTS ..."PUSH/PULL"-type...(downloaded, extracted, no virus/trojan)

The package includes the following utilities:

NetRun - Schedule actions and push installs to clients from the login script.


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I have used pstools psexec in the past to run psexec on msiexec.exe with the silent unattended switches.

it's a bit clunky as you will have to put a txt file together with a list of all of the PC's you want to deploy to but if you're handy with batch files you can quite easily put something together which will meet your requirements and have some basic error reporting etc.

here is an untested example you may wish to tweak:

@echo off
set /p username="please enter username: "
set /p password="please enter password: "
set /p logfilepath="please enter log file path: "
set /p msipath="please enter msi path: "
psexec -t /accepteula \\examplePC -u %username% -p %password% msiexec.exe /a /l %logfilepath% "%msipath.msi%" /qn

remember to replace the \\example PC with @file (linked to a text file of PC's you wish to install to) if you want to install to multiple machines

Edited by majormashup
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