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[Release] Adobe Reader 9.1 Corporate/Lite

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Guest XhmikosR
Posted (edited)

(Post moved from Adobe Reader 9.0 Lite thread)


Corporate version characteristics:

  • Removed autorun/desktop shortcuts and converted start menu shortcut to non-advertised
  • Removed Beyond Adobe and Lic. Agreement popups, the dialog asking to help make Adobe Reader better and "Create PDF using Acrobat.com" from the toolbar and from the embedded reader in browser
  • Removed all (auto)update® features, AcroRd32Info.exe with no errors in the event log and the "No Save" warning when filling forms
  • Also removed _TEMP_MeasurementFiles, AdobeCollabSyncExe, Apollo_nppdf32.dll, CacheSetupFiles, EULA_English, EULA_EXE, Reader_Bin_Reader_sl.exe
  • Same as the official Adobe Reader, but with some tweaks

Lite version characteristics:

  • Removed autorun/desktop shortcuts and converted start menu shortcut to non-advertised
  • Removed several features and plugins that the average user has no need for (see the tutorial for details)
  • Removed Beyond Adobe and Lic. Agreement popups, the dialog asking to help make Adobe Reader better and "Create PDF using Acrobat.com" from the toolbar and from the embedded reader in browser
  • Removed all (auto)update® features and AcroRd32Info.exe with no errors in the event log
  • Form filling allowed and removed the "No Save" warning when filling forms
  • Removed more unneeded stuff (v9.1)
  • Some cosmetic changes (v9.1)

Download: (Always uninstall older versions of Adobe Reader and then install the new version)

[urls REMOVED]

Lite version changes:


* Removed PDF Shell integration

* Disabled "Create PDF using Acrobat.com" also in the embedded reader in browser (thanks to cybpsych for finding the registry key for that)

* Disabled "Check for updates" by default (it wouldn't work anyway)


* Removed Apollo_nppdf32.dll, Stamps, Stamps_ENU

* Really changed GUIFlags for SFX executable

* Restored DigSig and PPKLite plugins needed to open/fill some forms

* Disabled "No Save" warning when filling forms

* Added description to the Start Menu shortcut


* Removed _TEMP_MeasurementFiles, AdobeCollabSyncExe, EULA stuff, IDTemplates, Import3D_A3DUtility.exe, Optional_English, PDFSigQFormalRep.pdf, Resource_English, rt3d.dll

* Disabled "Create PDF using Acrobat.com" from the toolbar

* Changed BrandName and ProductName to "Adobe Reader 9.1 Lite"

* Changed GUIFlags and SFX executable's icon.

Tutorial originally by Shark007 plus some modifications by me for the v.29 Lite and v.04 Corporate release.

Many thanks to Shark007 for his work with Adobe Reader Lite and for his original tutorial. :thumbup

Edited by cluberti
We've been directed by a 3rd party to remove the links, as these redists violate the Adobe EULA and copyright - redist is forbidden. Post edited, links removed.

Guest XhmikosR
Posted (edited)

I've created the English version of Adobe Lite 9.1. I've packed the files into a single SFX with 7zip. You can find it here. I've tested it on Vista SP1 32bit and everything is fine.

~Link removed-Look at the first post~

Edited by XhmikosR

hi XhmikosR,

just curious: did you use Shark007's method (post #465) to create the lite version?

if yes, may i ask you something? Are you using InstallShield to edit the MSI (as per Shark007's instructions)?

Instead of using InstallShield, is there any alternative?


hi, XhmikosR

Thanks for this lite version, it works great.

Could you integrate the rt3d.exe posted by DarkRay on 2feb.

This would make this lite version more complete.

Guest XhmikosR
Posted (edited)

@cybpsych: Yes, I've just followed Shark007's instructions so I edited the msi with InstallShield. I'm not aware of another tool to do this.

@jaynbe: I integrated rt3d.dll into the release. (rt3d.dll was extracted from the original 9.1 English version) But it will be installed only if you uninstall the older version first and then install the new one (Note: if you install my 9.1 version over 9.0 version, then rt3d.dll will be installed). I don't know if this is normal, but I cannot change it, at least for now.

Also I have disabled the dialog asking to help make Adobe Reader better.

~Link removed-Look at the first post~

Edited by XhmikosR
Posted (edited)


Once there is a consensus by the msfn community that a viable 9.1 Lite (english) version is worthy of public re-distribution, MajorGeeks.com will re-distribute it as a replacement to my previous work giving the new author full credit.

You are probably aware, this is a high profile release and extremely sought after. I am in no hurry to authorize MajorGeeks to take up this release. I will wait to see comments from seasoned msfn members before I make this move.

Good Luck. :thumbup


Edited by Shark007
Guest XhmikosR
Posted (edited)

Once there is a consensus by the msfn community that a viable 9.1 Lite (english) version is worthy of public re-distribution, MajorGeeks.com will re-distribute it as a replacement to my previous work giving the new author full credit.

You are probably aware, this is a high profile release and extremely sought after. I am in no hurry to authorize MajorGeeks to take up this release. I will wait to see comments from seasoned msfn members before I make this move.

Good Luck. :thumbup


If you hadn't shared with everyone the instructions on how to make Adobe Reader Lite, things would be very difficult. Thank you for all of your contributions to the community.:)

PS. I made some minor changes. v9.1.0.5

~Link removed-Look at the first post~

Edited by XhmikosR
@cybpsych: Yes, I've just followed Shark007's instructions so I edited the msi with InstallShield. I'm not aware of another tool to do this.

@jaynbe: I integrated rt3d.dll into the release. (rt3d.dll was extracted from the original 9.1 English version) But it will be installed only if you uninstall the older version first and then install the new one (Note: if you install my 9.1 version over 9.0 version, then rt3d.dll will be installed). I don't know if this is normal, but I cannot change it, at least for now.

Also I have disabled the dialog asking to help make Adobe Reader better.

it's good enough for MG :)


Guest XhmikosR
Posted (edited)

Here is the modified Shark007's tutorial to fit the latest changes.

________________________ T U T O R I A L Lite Version________________________


a. Download the AdbeRdr910_en_US.exe from adobe.com and save the file to your desktop.

b. Choose Start > Run.

c. In the Open text box, type: "%UserProfile%\Desktop\AdbeRdr910_en_US.exe" -nos_ne

Click OK to start decompressing the file.

d. When the Adobe Reader 9 Setup screen clears, browse to the following location:

%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Reader 9.1

e. Move that folder for example on your desktop.


a. Open AcroRead.msi with InstallShield

b. Click upper TAB-->Installation Designer

c. Left column: click Setup Design

d. Center column: expand ReaderProgramFiles and delete AUM, Updater, _TEMP_MeasurementFiles, AdobeCollabSyncExe (AdobeCollabSync_UI_LANG), Apollo_nppdf32.dll, (Apollo_UI_LANG), CacheSetupFiles, EULA_English, EULA_EXE (EULA_LANG), IDTemplates_ENU (IDTemplates_LANG), Import3D_A3DUtility.exe, Optional_English (Optional_LANG), PDFSigQFormalRep, Reader_Bin_AcroRd32Info.exe, Reader_Bin_Reader_sl.exe, Registry_PDF_Shell, Resource_English, Stamps, Stamps_ENU (Stamps_LANG)

e. Expand Plugins and delete all instances of AcroSign, Annotations, Checkers, DVA, ebook, HLS, IA32, ReadOutLoud, SendMail


a. Expand Plugins_UI_(language specific) and click on Files

b. Delete Checkers, DVA, Hls, IA32, SendMail


Chinese, Korean and Japanese versions have this extra step;

a. Left column: click Components, scroll center column to Resource_CIDFont_(laguage specific)

b. Expand and click on Files, delete the files from the right column


a. Expand Reader_Big_Features and delete MultimediaPlugin, Atmosphere_3D, AdobeCommonLinguistics_Big

b. Expand Accessibility_Plugins and delete all instances of: Accessibility, MakeAccessible, PDDom, SaveAsRTF


a. Left Column: click Shortcuts, under Program Menu, delete Adobe Reader 9 and PrintMe Internet Printing

b. Under Desktop, drag n drop the shortcut to Program Menu

c. Add the following to the description of the shortcut: Adobe Reader 9.1 Lite


a. Left Column: click Registry and import this registry file

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\Downtown]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\Downtown]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\CommonFiles\Usage\Reader 9]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AVGeneral]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AVGeneral\cToolbars\cFile\cInternalButtons]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AVGeneral\cToolbars\cFile\cExternalButtons]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AVAlert\cCheckbox]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Synchronizer\9.0]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\9.0\DiskCabs]

b. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Synchronizer\9.0, right click and select Uninstall Entire Key

c. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\9.0\DiskCabs, right click and select Uninstall Entire Key

d. Remove the following registry keys:


HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\{8E1F80F4-953F-41E7-8460-E64AE5BE4ED3}

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\{358E6F10-DE8A-4602-8424-179CA217F8EE}


Left Column: click Property Manager and change the following values:



BrandName - Adobe Reader 9.1 Lite





ProductName - Adobe Reader 9.1 Lite (or for other than English: Adobe Reader 9.1 Lite - LANG)




a. Left Column: click on Direct Editor

b. Center column: highlight InstallExecuteSequence

c. Right column: click the word 'Action' to alphabetize the menu

d. Delete AumRegister and AumUnregister


8) Creating an AIP ...

a. Create the directory, C:\temp

b. Run this command in the MSI folder:

msiexec /a AcroRead.msi targetdir=C:\temp /qb

The resulting files are ready for repackaging/redistribution

____________________________ E N D __________________________

______________________ T U T O R I A L Corporate Version_____________________


a. Download the AdbeRdr910_en_US.exe from adobe.com and save the file to your desktop.

b. Choose Start > Run.

c. In the Open text box, type: "%UserProfile%\Desktop\AdbeRdr910_en_US.exe" -nos_ne

Click OK to start decompressing the file.

d. When the Adobe Reader 9 Setup screen clears, browse to the following location:

%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Reader 9.1

e. Move that folder for example on your desktop.


a. Open AcroRead.msi with InstallShield

b. Click upper TAB-->Installation Designer

c. Left column: click Setup Design

d. Center column: expand ReaderProgramFiles and delete AUM, Updater, _TEMP_MeasurementFiles, AdobeCollabSyncExe (AdobeCollabSync_UI_LANG), Apollo_nppdf32.dll (Apollo_UI_LANG), CacheSetupFiles, EULA_English, EULA_EXE (EULA_LANG), Reader_Bin_AcroRd32Info.exe, Reader_Bin_Reader_sl.exe, Registry_PDF_Shell


a. Left Column: click Shortcuts, under Program Menu, delete Adobe Reader 9 and PrintMe Internet Printing

b. Under Desktop, drag n drop the shortcut to Program Menu

c. Add the following to the description of the shortcut: Adobe Reader 9.1 Corporate


a. Left Column: click Registry and import this registry file

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\Downtown]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\Downtown]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\CommonFiles\Usage\Reader 9]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AVGeneral]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AVGeneral\cToolbars\cFile\cInternalButtons]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AVGeneral\cToolbars\cFile\cExternalButtons]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AVAlert\cCheckbox]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Synchronizer\9.0]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\9.0\DiskCabs]



b. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Synchronizer\9.0, right click and select Uninstall Entire Key

c. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\9.0\DiskCabs, right click and select Uninstall Entire Key

d. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\(null)\Animate, right click and select Uninstall Entire Key

e. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\(null)\Plugins, right click and select Uninstall Entire Key

f. Remove the following registry keys:


HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\{8E1F80F4-953F-41E7-8460-E64AE5BE4ED3}

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\{358E6F10-DE8A-4602-8424-179CA217F8EE}

(some registry keys are left after uninstall even though the are set to "Uninstall Entire Key")


Left Column: click Property Manager and change the following values:



BrandName - Adobe Reader 9.1 Corporate





ProductName - Adobe Reader 9.1 Corporate (or for other than English: Adobe Reader 9.1 Corporate - LANG)




a. Left Column: click on Direct Editor

b. Center column: highlight InstallExecuteSequence

c. Right column: click the word 'Action' to alphabetize the menu

d. Delete AumRegister and AumUnregister


7) Creating an AIP ...

a. Create the directory, C:\temp

b. Run this command in the MSI folder:

msiexec /a AcroRead.msi targetdir=C:\temp /qb

The resulting files are ready for repackaging/redistribution

____________________________ E N D __________________________

Edited by XhmikosR

I moved the relevent posts to its own thread. I hope this hasnt inconvenienced you.

This gives you access to the 1st post allowing you to edit important information such as download URL's etc.

XhmikosR, glad to see you're making an effort to pick this up, i hope you keep it up ... :thumbup


Guest XhmikosR
I moved the relevent posts to its own thread. I hope this hasnt inconvenienced you.

This gives you access to the 1st post allowing you to edit important information such as download URL's etc.

XhmikosR, glad to see you're making an effort to pick this up, i hope you keep it up ... :thumbup


Not at all, it really helps a lot. :) I'll try to do my best with Adobe Reader Lite. Thank you for all your help!

Guest XhmikosR
hi! may i know what's been changed from ->

Just some minor changes regarding the components of the installer. I removed those components which are not used anymore like AdobeUpdater_dll etc. If something that's worth mentioning changes, then I'll let you know. :)

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