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[Release] Adobe Reader 9.1 Corporate/Lite

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ok, maybe it's a bit confusing here :)

1) Definitely NO PDF tab

2) Your Lite b27: PDF tab not shown [expected]

3) I redid a fresh extraction. Followed the new tutorial. PDF tab is shown [not expected].

Either I missed something (i redid 3 times now) or there's missing steps in the tutorial.

If it's too troublesome, nevermind then. ;)

Did you try v.29? Because using v.29 PDF tab is NOT shown here.

v27 and v29, of course, doesn't show PDF tab ;)

BTW, latest updated tutorial WORKING! :thumbup

Posted (edited)
MSFN-GuEsT, highly not recommended.

AR itself depends on Javascript, not just opening PDF-with-Javascripts.

hmm, interesting...

guess i've never noticed it being "needed" for AR to run effectively...

guess i view JS as "evil" - i only allow it in my web browser roughly 2% of the time, if that!... long live Proxomitron!

but anyway, i'll just keep disabling it on my end, obviously a "personal preference", no need to force my preferences upon others :D

Edited by MSFN-GuEsT
Guest XhmikosR
ok, maybe it's a bit confusing here :)

1) Definitely NO PDF tab

2) Your Lite b27: PDF tab not shown [expected]

3) I redid a fresh extraction. Followed the new tutorial. PDF tab is shown [not expected].

Either I missed something (i redid 3 times now) or there's missing steps in the tutorial.

If it's too troublesome, nevermind then. ;)

Did you try v.29? Because using v.29 PDF tab is NOT shown here.

v27 and v29, of course, doesn't show PDF tab ;)

BTW, latest updated tutorial WORKING! :thumbup

OK, so everything is fine.:) Late tonight or tomorrow I'll post a new version with some fixes you mentioned in a previous post.

Posted (edited)

yup, the revised-updated tutorial fixed it :D

ok, i'm gonna throw in some cosmetic tweaks...

Save the codes in txt file and rename it to HideMenu.js (a javascript file). Then copy this file into %ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\JavaScripts.

Note1: This javascript file can be used on pre-installed AR or added via IS.

Note2: There is a slight delay for this javascript to take effect. Immediately after opening a PDF, the unneeded menu entries will show. Few seconds later, the entries will be gone.

Note3: I have no idea if these tweaks can be done by editing the MSI itself.



// [File - Create Adobe PDF Using Acrobat.com]

// [File - Recently Opened Files]

// [Edit - Check Spelling]

// [View - Read Out Loud]

// [Help - Online Support]

// [Help - Repair Adobe Reader Installation]

// [Help - Check for Updates]

// [Help - Purchase Adobe Acrobat]

Credits to Aaron Parker @ http://blog.stealthpuppy.com/deployment/de...r-9-for-windows

Disabling Menus and Buttons

In a corporate environment, you may want to disable some of the menu items and buttons. Just as in Adobe Reader 8, most of these items are disabled with a JavaScript file. Yes a JavaScript file. Whilst using the registry would make sense to control UI items, Adobe uses JavaScript files. I’d love to know the reason why. It’s not a solution that scales particularly well.

Edited by cybpsych
Guest XhmikosR
Posted (edited)

Very interesting stuff, cybpsych :D But I don't know if everyone agrees on all of those entries. I mean, the recent files might be useful. Also the Repair MSI and Help might be useful. By the way, maybe I should remove the help file and stuff. I want to hear what other people think before proceeding to this.

EDIT: Do you by any chance know how to remove "Edit-->Check Spelling"?

Edited by XhmikosR

The above is justt my preference, not a must for you :) at least, more options can cater for others (to make their own package).

i stumbled onto these options when I was searching for ways to turn off the MRU list. AR's option only set at minimum 1, therefore it can't be totally turned off. Even Office 2007 has the option to turn it off (MRU = 0).

Here's the line to remove "Edit -> Check Spelling"

// [Edit - Check Spelling]


This thread is being closed. We've received a notice from our hosting provider that a 3rd party has notified us that a violation of the Adobe EULA was found on MSFN in this thread, and indeed upon review Adobe does not allow redistribution of their binaries in any way. As such, this is a violation of a EULA and Adobe's copyright, and in accordance with our own forum rule 1.b, the links have been removed, the thread closed, and notification given as to why.

-----Original Message-----

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Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 11:48 AM

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RE: Unauthorized Distribution of the following copyrighted computer


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Timestamp: 6 Apr 2009 15:28:41 GMT

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URL: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=131086d

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