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Windows PE and shared network resource


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same way you would from the command prompt in XP or Vista.

Once you confirm the network drivers are loaded and you have network connectivity use the NET USE command.

What is the correct syntax for NET USE to do this?



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  • 4 months later...
What is the correct syntax for NET USE to do this?

Use: net use /? to obtain help.

Please try to be more helpful.

This is an example of my use of this command:

net use z: \\server\share Password /user:UserName

Full documentation here:


Then, in a LAN without a domain, should I write:

net use Letter:\\Server\Shared-Directory password-user /user:\\Server\Username

Instead, in a LAN with domain, should I write:

net use Letter:\\Server\Shared-Directory password-user /user:Domain-name\Username




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It should work either way really. If you are using a domain account to log into the network share, you don't have to use the DOMAIN\USERNAME. You would only need to if you were using a local account to login, such as COMPUTERNAME\USERNAME. If your systems are not on a domain at all and you are using a local account, you don't have to specify COMPUTERNAME first. Either way it doesn't hurt to fully qualify your logins.

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