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$OEM$ Folder Replacement Program

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Just using batch files can now take alot of harder work out of your work.

This is a small (13.5kb) command line program that accepts the following arguments:

/m "<source file>" "<destination folder"> - Move your file from its original location to a new location. /m "c:\file.txt" "c:\folder2"
/c "<source file>" "<destination folder"> - Same as moving, but copying the file. /c "c:\file1.txt" "c:\folder"
/r "<old name>" <"new name"> - The first argument requires a direct path to file, but the new name just requires the new name: /r "c:\random path\file.txt" "file2.txt"
/d "<Path to file>" - Deletes a file
/e "<file to execute>" "<All Arguments here>" - Execute a file with arguments: /e "regedit.exe" "/s <reg file>"

Here's the download.


If used in any projects, please give me or Juggalobrotha (Co-Coder) some credit.

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Just curious: how's that any better than using move, copy, ren , del (and executing) directly?

I don't really see the point of adding a 3rd party util that does nothing new over what's been included in the OS since the early DOS days. It's totally trivial to write an util like this (you could do this using a batch file, vbscript/jscript/powershell, autoit, or any scripting/programming language in like 5 minutes). I just don't see the point of it all.

I mean, instead of having a batch file with (add paths if you want to):

copy file1.ext file2.ext
move file1.ext file2.ext
ren file1.ext file2.ext
del file1.ext

then it just becomes:

vfm /c file1.ext file2.ext
vfm /m file1.ext file2.ext
vfm /r file1.ext file2.ext
vfm /d file1.ext
vfm /e file.exe

I fail to see what new problem it solves, or how it solves an old problem any better than the existing solutions. It only seems to complicate things IMO. The commands are a bit longer to type, and you gotta know the syntax too. I mean, especially /e -- why have a batch file launch your program so it can launch a program? What's the goal achieved here? Might as well skip the middleman and just start the program you want in the first place, no?

Am I missing something?

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