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Can i test a network cable with two laptops

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Below is a rough version of my setup.

| Cable Modem |
| Router |
| Drop 1 | ----------
-------- |
---------- | |
| XBOX 360 |------------- | |
---------- | | |
----- -------- --------
| Hub |---| Drop 2 |-------| Switch |
----- -------- --------
----- | |
| Wii |------------------ -------- |
----- | Drop 3 |------------
| XBOX |

I can't get XBOX to work (bottom of the diagram). All the drops were in the house before i moved in, so it might be a bad cable.

If it's a faulty cable, is there a way to test it with two laptops by plugging one into drop 2, and another into drop 3? I don't want to buy any fancy network equipment.

All the drops are located in different rooms, and have tested drop 3 with a laptop, so it has nothing to do with XBOX's settings.

What could it be besides a bad cable?

Edited by PlayWithFire
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if your laptops have the auto-sensing network ports, then yes, you can test with 2 laptops.

Have you tested drop 2 with any other kind of device besides the XBox? Or maybe try a different port on the hub. It should be really easy to tell if the cable is bad or not because if the drop goes into a hub, then that port light should be lit if the cable is good. If the cable is bad, you should not get any link light

Edited by rendrag
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Yeah, i've tested the drop with a laptop, and i get nothing. It just sucks, because the drop is in a very convenient location. I have no idea how to replace that cable, because it runs though the wall, from the 2nd floor down to the first.

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Yeah, i've tested the drop with a laptop, and i get nothing. It just sucks, because the drop is in a very convenient location. I have no idea how to replace that cable, because it runs though the wall, from the 2nd floor down to the first.

I would try redoing the ends first. If that doesn't work, use the old cable to pull the new cable. This may work depending on if it's run through conduit and the number of turns.

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