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Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86


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Very interesting thread folks...

I have one issue that is annoying me, and hope that you have a solution. Is there a way to get the standard installation to do a passive install (with progress bar) but WITHOUT the dreaded cancel button? Our users just love playing with the cancel button if the installation takes too much time... any ideas/suggestions?



Edited by coords
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standard installation to do a passive install (with progress bar) but WITHOUT the dreaded cancel button?
In the script file (_SNMsynth.cmd) replace all /qb with /qb! Edited by Pasha_ZZZ
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SNMs 20100118,

** Processing .NET 3.5 SP1 portion...
NDP35SP1-KB957661-x86.exe process delayed.
Processing NDP35SP1-KB958484-x86.exe...

& I see message box with error "Unable to open installer package......."

20100117 works w/o errors.

P.S.: All 3.5 sp1 updates give this error too. I think MSIEXEC cannot find MSI package (invalid extraction path?)...

Edited by Pasha_ZZZ
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Your custom installers will remove the cancel button for passive install. You don't need to change anything as Pasha_ZZZ proposes, unless what you want to remove is the cancel button during the building process.


I could not recreate your errors, it's working fine for me. I'd need more data.

Edited by strel
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This is MSIEXEC commandline:

MSIEXEC  /p "C:\.NET\TMP\TMP1\HFX\NDP35SP1-KB958484.msp" /a "C:\.NET\TMP\TMP1\ADMIN35\vs_setup.msi" /qb

but there are no ADMIN35 folder!


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But it's working fine for me, and unless you give me enough data to recreate your error, what you can do by simply attaching your PROCESSDATA.TXT file, I tend to think that something is wrong with the steps you're following... maybe something is wrong with your color patch... do some checkings.

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I found it! I forgot to append YES to MERGEFXS=. When I change to YES - all works fine, but why w/o YES doesnt work.... PROCESSDATA.TXT (when it gave me errors)


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I still cannot recreate your errors, and my ADMIN35 folder is being created as usual. May you have a problem with installer service, try restarting it; or may you have some issue with installed .NET frameworks in bad state, I'd try reinstalling them if the error persists, maybe using .NET framework cleanup tool.

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I would first like to thank the developers of this great tool. I've used SNM in the past, and I'm just coming back to it to build a new XP install disk.

My trouble is that after install Microsoft Update wants to install KB974417. I'm creating the disk using the latest HFSLIP (1.7.10 beta D), and I'm using SNMsynth 20100118 to build an all-in-one passive installer that gets put in the GUIRUNONCE folder in HFSLIP. SNMsynth builds without errors, and the installer works without any errors that I can see.

I've checked the files 974417 updates: mscordacwks.dll, mscorlib.dll and mscorwks.dll: they are supposed to be version 2.0.50727.3603 and the installed system has this version.

Where should I look to find the cause of this?

By the way, I made a couple of small changes to _SNMsynth.cmd. It would not list the work or tmp directories in PROCESSDATA.TXT because I use the '-' as a date separator instead of '/'. For example:

REM fix by Clark

Thanks in advance,




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I am still having a problem using Silent .NET Maker synthesized with my XP HFSLIPcd.

When I put XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.exe in SVCPACK folder, only Net 1.1 SP1 is installed. Upon further review actually Net 2.0 SP2 fails and that causes 3.0 SP2 along with 3.5 SP1 to fail. Why does 2.0SP2 fail?

When I put XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.exe in HFGUIRUNONCE folder, all NET frameworks are installed completely with no problems.

My question is what is happening in HFGUIRUNONCE that is not happening in SVCPACK? What is the difference?

Anybody have any ideas on this.

Just wondering.


P.S.: My 2k HFSLIPcd works great when using SVCPACK folder.

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My question is what is happening in HFGUIRUNONCE that is not happening in SVCPACK? What is the difference?

P.S.: My 2k HFSLIPcd works great when using SVCPACK folder.

Items in SVCPACK are installed at T-13 (before the 2'nd reboot), while items in HFGUIRUNONCE are installed on the first GUI login after the 2'nd reboot. So, SVCPACK installs are done before HFGUIRUNONCE. There is less Windows 'infrastructure' available at T-13, so some things won't install then.

When I used SNM before the all-in-one installer feature was added, I would put the 2.0 installer in SVCPACK, and the 3.0 and 1.1 installers in HFGUIRUNONCE. Now, I'm just putting the all-in-one installer in HFGUIRUNONCE.

I might try putting in SVCPACK and test (after I've got the other issue I posted about resolved).


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You should have this value in the registry:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\DC3BF90CC0D3D2F398A9A6D1762F70F3\Patches\9E0DE89293FE9BB33898F24ED18CCF08\State 1 DWORD


Don't know why this is happening to you but 2.0 should install properly at T-13.

I'll make tests tomorrow.

Edited by strel
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You should have this value in the registry:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\DC3BF90CC0D3D2F398A9A6D1762F70F3\Patches\9E0DE89293FE9BB33898F24ED18CCF08\State 1 DWORD

Thanks strel for your quick reply.

Yes, that value is set.

However, the problem install was done on a Virtual PC machine. I ran the install on a partition on my real machine and it worked fine: Windows updates did *not* ask to install KB974417! One difference was that the LAN drivers weren't integrated, but were installed after the system was restarted, so Windows update didn't do its thing until then.

I'll have to make a build with the drivers integrated (Driverpacks) and try again to test that hypothesis.

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My2GirlsDad, clarckg888, what I did: I built passive merged installer with 1.1 SP1, 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2, 3.5 SP1, with regular hotfixes and langpacks and not removing any subcomponent; I used HFSLIP 1.7.10 beta D over a vanilla XP SP3 applying the former installer in the HFSVCPACK folder, the process worked well except a couple of file not found messages not stopping the process and not while applying custom .NET installer, that I suppose has to do with some kind of error with HFSLIP beta itself. Nothing more. I went through the install process on a Virtual PC 2007 and ALL frameworks and langpacks installed correctly (HFSLIP Total Slipstream entry in Add/Remove Programs). Then I run windows update and no KB974417 nor any .NET hotfix were listed.

So I think these issues has nothing to do with SNMsynth but with something about your methods to build your custom win sources, but I'm out of ideas. I'm not an HFSLIP user so in case it has something to do with it maybe other expertise HFSLIP users may have more precise ideas about what could be happening.

Is there anybody else with those issues?

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