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Are there things I defenately can leave out, while I did not?


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I am using nlite now for about four weeks, and today I made my sixth cd.

Instead of the oversized original XP Home edition cd and a separate SP3, I do have an iso now of 142MB with a working XP SP3 installation for my laptop.

I do install the ethernetcard-, video and audio driver separately, so they are not included.

The programs I am using:

- Firefox 3.04

- Office Professional (outlook, word, excel, access and powerpoint)

- Windows media player 11

- Foxit reader (pdf)

- The Gimp

- Infrarecorder as cd burner

- ws-ftp as ftp program

I do have enclosed my ini file and was wondering if someone could take a look and give me advise when it is possible to take out even more without loosing functionality for the programs I am using.

Btw; great program this nlite!

I have used several linux distro's and bsd's and had to switch back because of some functionality I needed at work and at home. Where I was very negative about Windows, I do have a small and fast system now, which I can change to my needs! Great!!

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You folks are trying to see how small you can make the install, and, down the road, it's going to bite you. I made a small install and used it for about 3 months. One day I need to install a program for temporary use. It wouldn't work. It need something that was not there. I installed my original Windows on another hard drive. Everything worked. Now I use nLite to create a silent install with just the tweaks and to remove things like languages, messenger, AMD processor support, etc.

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For 'normal' users you are probably right. I am using computers for about 20 years now and do have a background of dos, windows, linux and bsd. This will not say that I know everything, but for what I am doing with my computer and the software I am using, I think I am almost 'settled' and do not expect to use completely different things from what I am using now.

And, sorry, but reading your story, didn't you do the same as I did?!!!!

About me again; I always tuned my systems in that way that I removed the software I did not need, or even compiled and setup my own variant of a distro. This is why I feel quiet comfortable with what I am doing.


I think I was not clear, or you did not understand it the way I mentioned, but ofcourse office is not included in this small setup. I am talking about the size of the base windows XP installation without the packages which are installed after setup of the XP base install.

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And, sorry, but reading your story, didn't you do the same as I did?!!!!

Is your original request not about getting info from people who've "been there" ?

You already opened an other post about problems with your install and some can see where you are going. If your only goal is to make it smaller and reinstall again and again each time, you have lost more time with your 6 CD than you'll ever going to get back from a faster XP (if it is). You understand that there is not much point to it and that people will not invest time in helping you getting nowhere. That's probably what HowdyDoody meant.

Now for something positive:

- Windows media player 11
That is not the slimmest of media players.


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Hi Ponch,

You are probably right.

May be my question is wrong; I mean 'are there things I defenately can leave out, while I did not'.

Small is not the issue for me; functionality for the things I am doing without a lot of clutter is the issue.

I know WMP11 is not the smallest, but also here functionality.

Unfortunately some websites are not functioning very well with the great alternatives like vlc and many others; they simply are looking for windows media player.

I have tried most of them, but unfortunately I came back at wmp11 because of this.

About reinstalling; I think this is the only way to test and see if I am at the right route.

A little help would there be great ofcourse, but I understand a lot of people are not using nlite as extreme (or read it as 'not smart because probably he has to reinstall again after three months') as I do.

About positive; I really enjoy this forum and all the information which can be found here.

I also understand that I have to be gratefull for all information I get from other users.

I hope my way of writing supports this, because I AM really gratefull for the replies I am getting ;)

Back to my question, a little 'repolished';

Are there things I defenately can leave out, while I did not?

Enclosed my last ini file.

(edit: removed)

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Accessibility Options



WordPad (Notepad2 or Notepad++ are both very small and MUCH better)

Toshiba DVD decoder card

All keyboards but your native lang

Old CD player and Sound recorder

Tablet PC

Windows sounds

Communication tools

H323 MSP

Outlook Express

Disk Cleanup

Extra fonts (Office installs plenty extra fonts)

OOBE is a reall big one if you have a VLK license!

Security center

User Account pictures

Error reporting

Fax service

Secondary login

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After three cd's and installations I have decided to leave it as it is at the moment.

I have used the 'lite' setting from nlite as base, and changed this one to my needs.

Some examples; defragmentation and cleanup back in.

The result is an iso of about 147MB, 16 services running on boot and no issues at the moment...

A fresh install will take about 30 minutes, so when I do find some issues, it is solved soon enough.

I have enclosed my latest ini for the people interested.


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It is an 'about' time. But, to be a little more precise; yesterday evening I did a fresh install including all packages (and incl. Office) in about 45 minutes.


I have a setup with 2 partitions; 10Gb for Windows including userprofiles, the rest (about 70Gb) for my data.

On my datadrive I have a directory software, where I have stored the drivers and packages I have installed on my system.

So, after a fresh windows installation, I can start with the drivers and then the packages, and do the complete installation of all packages in about 5-10 minutes. As last install I do Office, which is also taking 5-10 minutes (I can do it with my eyes closed now...).

Ofcourse then Windows update is coming with some latest updates, because my starting point is SP3.

But, till now, the files from Windows update are downloaded in background in some minutes and do require one reboot.

So in short; Windows in about 20-25 minutes I guess, complete install in about 45 minutes I guess...

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