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Wireless not working

Dave Jackson

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I slimmed down an XP Home disk (added SP3) with Nlite and now I can't find any wireless networks. I know it's not a hardware issue because I can find them in my Linux partition. It is a desktop with a cheap USB adapter so I know it's not a wireless switch that needs turning on.

I have obviously removed something crucial. Does anyone know what it is and if there is a way of getting it back?

Any help would be much appreciated.

I've attached a zip of all the LAST SESSION files.



Edited by Dave Jackson
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XP's Wireless networking client requires a number of additional dependencies, such as Event Log. In addition, I recall that SP3 utilises a rewritten wifi stack which also requires Extensible Authentication Protocol Service and Network Access Protection Agent (according to user Bledd).

Short of rebuilding your installation CD, you will probably have to install a third-party wifi client. This is no bad thing, however. I am a big fan of Wifi Hopper, which will happily work on a lightweight XP installation with the usual WSZ dependencies removed.




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  • 6 months later...

Sorry for bumping an old topic.

Is there a comprehensive list somewhere about what XP SP3 components should not be removed so as to prevent this from happening?

EDIT: Thanks to this post, I have narrowed it down to the following items that may cause the problem.

;# Network #
Communication tools
Comtrol Test Terminal Program
FrontPage Extensions
Internet Connection Wizard
Internet Information Services (IIS)
MSN Explorer
Share Creation Wizard
Web Folders
Windows Messenger
;# Services #
IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
Indexing Service
Simple TCP/IP Services
System Restore Service

I just prepared another image removing everything except:

;# Network #
Communication tools
Comtrol Test Terminal Program
;# Services #
Simple TCP/IP Services

I don't have enough time to test it out, though. I'll provide some input next Monday.

Edited by Selena
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Selena, just above in the Sticky section of this forum is the very topic you are looking for. If you continue to have problems, please attach (not paste) your Last Session.ini. Make sure to always start with a fresh copy of your CD files/folders, do all your work in one nLite session and integrate only one SP. Please report when you have a solution, so others can benefit. Enjoy, John.

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Wireless doesn't work. I attached Last Session.ini

I have also slipstreamed all the driver packs from driverpacks before building/burning.

EDIT: The built-in wireless is malfunctioning. This is a hardware issue, and is completely unrelated to the OS/drivers. -_-


Edited by Selena
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Selena, you need to remove the Tweak "Explorer-Launch folder windows in a separate process" - it exposes a Windows bug (probably does not effect your problem). I see no drivers in your Last Session. Since you said you added driver packs, this may mean that you have run nLite more that once against the same source. This is asking for problems and can and should be avoided. Enjoy, John.

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I tried installing a clean source right away, then downloaded the manufacturer's drivers and installed them once XP had finished installing. No slipstreaming or any modifications done at all. The laptop's built-in wifi was unable to detect any wireless networks, so I decided to plug in a Conceptronic Wireless USB stick, and it was working just fine...

About running nLite multiple times -

1.- First time, to tweak around, then close it.

2.- Run driverpacks base and slipstream them onto the nLited source.

3.- Second time running nLite, just to build the ISO, nothing else.

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Selena, Step 3 is fine at any time, but your are inviting grief with steps 1 and 2. There is no need to do it that way and can only lead to problems now or later. Enjoy, John.

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I don't know how much has changed in the few years since I was participating in DriverPacks testing, but nLite makes changes that break DriverPack BASE. Selena's order appears to be correct. DriverPacks are last, then create the ISO.

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