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Using BITSAdmin utility in WindowsPE


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Hey Guys,

I have searched the internet for weeks now trying to find out a way of using the Windows BITS Admin utility in Windows PE. Tried a lot of things but nothing comes even closer to running.

Is it possible to use a utility like Bits admin in windows PE???

Considering the advantages that are present in bits admin it would be very very helpful to a lot of people if there would be a way of transferring files over the network with bandwidth monitoring.

Any Ideas on how to do this ????

Thanks :)

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Its designed to run on Vista SP1, so:

It isnt designed to run on PE based on XP, like BartPE or UBCD

You could try it on a Windows Vista based PE, like WinBuilder's Vista PE (www.winbuilder.net), but you would have to create the script for this yourself, unless theres one already made, which i doubt

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Do you get errors when trying to run it? Are you using x86 or x64 WinPE? Which WinPE version are you using?

"Unable to connect to BITS - 0x80070433. The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion."

When I am using x86 WinPE and its VistaPE. I built it from the latest WAIK.

" Unable to connect to BITS - 0x80040154. Class not Registered ".

When I am using x86 WinPE 2005.

Edited by viralmeh
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Use Dependency Walker on bitsadmin.exe to find out what other files it needs. Right off the bat, it needs:





But then, each of the above also have their own dependencies. Make sure all of the required files are in your PE and use regsvr32 is needed?

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