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Restore something that shouldn't've been removed by nLite


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nLite is starting to get to me. It's still got room to improve, but all the work seems to be done on vLite now, and Vista is still trash even with vLite (I'm using it now). XP deserves some more loving... =\

For example, I built a super-stripped nLite to be used on a home server PC. One small problem, though. Removing "Active Directory Services" warned that it would remove Local Users and Groups, which I didn't have a problem with. However, what I DO have a problem with, is it seemingly also killing my ability to even select a user for permissions management. So, if I want to add a user to a network share... I get the attached screenshot. I can't add any users or groups.

I tried using Process Monitor to figure out what the problem is, but I got an error saying "process monitor requires windows xp sp2 or higher". Turns out that's because I also removed the File System Filter Manager driver (didn't need it). So, it's just one file... I try putting it in, but I can't find any software to install and activate it (like all sorts of software does, like CPU-Z and Virtual Floppy Drive). It's such a simple process to install and activate a driver/service, but Google was precisely zero help. So I can't run ProcMon.

So, I also can't figure out how to fix this.

Honestly, nLite needs some backup help that Nuhi should be able to provide. Because of the way Windows Setup works - mostly by calling independent components to have them install themselves - it should be reasonable to assume that a program can be written to reinstall removed components from a running installation. There are also a lot of tweaks in nLite that aren't in any other tweaking software, and you can only apply them to a new installation! C'mon Nuhi, why not share the secrets with the don't-want-to-reinstall-every-2-days crowd? =)

edit: forgot the attachment, urr!


Edited by Volatus
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If thats the way you feel then maybe you need to do better testing or look for alternatives like XPLite


Yeah, I've hard of XPlite. It's a huge joke. It doesn't really do anything, and it's payware. I can't afford payware. But I also don't think nLite is "so i settle for nLite". XPlite is just... really bad. I just think nLite, or another utility made by Nuhi based on the nLite database, should be able to permanently _re_install removed components, since they were simply omitted from installation (vastly different than trying to uninstall a component that had been part of a running system, a la XPlite).

Also try running PSERV it has no secondary requirements that I know of

http://p-nand-q.com/download/pserv_cpl.html (select Display --> Processes)

You are a god, you know that? I never knew such a utility existed! That is totally going in my tools bin. Thanks!!

(And it turns out that fltmgr, which I manually added to the registry, did turn up and start running, but I didn't see it in Device Manager so I figured I flubbed it up)

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Amazingly, same here. I never even install 98 without 98lite anymore. Don't like that it removes that cool "welcome" screen without asking (another bit of "why are they selling this"), but it does a really good job. But the part I love about 98lite is that I can start with a stripped install, and add components as I find I need them. I don't have to sit there pouring over the options thinking "will I EVER need this component" every time I build a computer's install disc... =\

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Volatus: I agree whole heartily nlite needs more lovin' ;)

However, there are ways to improve xp beyond just using nlite to remove components.

What i suggest is you read up on gosh's method for removing upgrade installation part.

The quick way: go through the first steps, but skip the multi boot steps, and just copy i386 and amd64 folders from c:\, that the install process generated.

copy back dosnet.inf from xp with your service pack slipstreamed.

Now nlite does this also but i feel it does the process more dirty :(

On my xp x64 i have created a source with xp x64 sp2 and unpacked all *.**_files, and updated them manually, then did same with sp2.cab and driver.cab, and any other files you want.

With update i mean to take hotfixes and extract them with winrar. For x64 use "wow" folder to find files for i386 and non-wow folders for amd64 files.

This way you can create a truly 100% updated windows source.

I've tried this and it works awesome! You will need some tools tho, like directory opus for file version checking, virtual machine for tests, and set off a good day's work to get it done, and patience, and long nails =)

Just remember to use a patched sfc file and tweak and you'r good 2 go. Otherwise there's activation hell beyond belief. =))

edit: I'm so going to create some icons for p-serv.cpl =)

Edited by TranceEnergy
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