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nLite error on IE7 merger


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I'm using nLite to slipstream SP3, WMP11 and IE7 into XP Pro (already with SP2 slipstreamed)

Slipstreaming SP3 into XP Pro with nLite works OK.

Then I used WMP11 Slipstreamer to slipstream WMP11 and it's hotfixes into the now XP SP3. That works OK.

The final step was to slipstream IE7 with nLite.

That's when I get the following error "Non existant INF section - [OleControlDlls] entry skipped: 11,,ieframe.dll,2" with an OK button. (I've tried twice)

The merge seems to finish OK (after clicking OK in the error box) and it creates an ISO.

Is this something I should be worried about, and is there a solution? (I don't want burn the ISO to disc until I resolve this)

Thank you.

Edited by Insomneac
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I'm not using any add-on, I'm just using nLite to slipstream IE7, inserting it in the Hotfixes and Addon section.

EDIT: I've tried slipstreaming the items in a different order, and it always brings up the error when it starts on the IE7 file "ieframe.dll".

Thank You.

Edited by Insomneac
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I've finally managed to get it to work, but only by using an IE7 Add-On. Thanks for the reply LUZR4LIFE.

A few people here have had the exact same problem, and there hasn't been any solution.

Using an IE7 Add-On seems to work OK. However, I'd still like to know why nLite can't slipstream IE7 on it's own?

Anyway, This could have been so much simpler had Micro$$oft made IE7 and WMP11 part of SP3. Guess that's too much to expect....... :rolleyes:

Why they didn't defies logic.

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I've finally managed to get it to work, but only by using an IE7 Add-On. Thanks for the reply LUZR4LIFE.

A few people here have had the exact same problem, and there hasn't been any solution.

Using an IE7 Add-On seems to work OK. However, I'd still like to know why nLite can't slipstream IE7 on it's own?

Anyway, This could have been so much simpler had Micro$$oft made IE7 and WMP11 part of SP3. Guess that's too much to expect....... :rolleyes:

Why they didn't defies logic.

Yes, Ie7 should have been in SP3, not sure about WMP 11. It would be nice but I have yet gotten WMP11 in any update, they are trying to keep that hidden still, but what ekse can MS do but the wrong thing. LOL

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Thanks for steering me to the IE7 Add-On. I used a different one, but it seems to have worked.

Including IE7 in SP3 is a no-brainer. SP3 even includes IE7 patches I think.

The final version of IE8 should be released soon. Let me guess, it will only be for Vista and it won't have a download manager. :wacko:

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