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Posted (edited)

List of needed dll (and dll that need a function):










ipshlpapi.dll: NTDLL.DLL:RtlIpv6AddressToStringA


Edited by luluthefirst
Posted (edited)

Sorry for double post but its for up the topic.

Another missing dll and export function:




it would be nice if we can make a topic about missing dll and function and add missing dll and function :)

Edited by luluthefirst

Version 3.1.1 - FREE - OpenOffice.org Portable (nothing needs to be set in the kernel for it too work (I seem to recall that the correct settting for it were built in)

Verison 1 - Free - Sun PDF Import Extension for OpenOffice.org

Guest taunus20m

Now working on Windows 98SE:

Updated list of what you can run with KernelEx4 tested by me: (thanks to KernelEX-developers!!)


Dezember 2009:

* Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3 [create a link to C:\programs\..Mozilla..firefox.exe]

* Adobe Flashplayer

before you start , switch to "XP-Mode":

Create "xp.reg" file in notepad with following contents:



"Version"="Windows NT"


Dont forget to leave a blank line at the end of the reg file.

Double click on "xp.reg" file.

Install the program Flashplayer 10.

* OpenOffice.org 3.1.1

* Java Runtime Environment 6 update 16

* Infrarecorder 0.50

* Haihaisoft-Universal-Player-EN

* Haihaisoft PDF Reader

* Burnaware Free 2.4.2 (delete the WnASPI32.dll from Installations-folder:

maybe create a batch :

del "C:\Programme\BurnAware Free\wnaspi32.dll")

* Passwordfolder_v10b.exe

* PDF-XChange Viewer 2.0 [build 42.09]

* MPUI.2009-06-12.Full-Package.exe (MPlayer)

* Cole2k.Media.Codec.Pack.V7.9.0

* MPC-HomeCinema.1.3.1249.0.exe (Media Player Classic [HomeCinema])

* VLC-Player 1.0.3

* Quicktime Alternative 2.9.0

* Realtime Alternative 2.0.1

* AviDemux 2.5.1

* SophosFreeEncrytion 2.40.0

* Thunderbird 3.0 beta

* Super2009 [build 36]

* XP-Codec Pack 2.5.0

* Audio-Con 1.0

* ArtWeaver 0.5.7

* AlShow 1.7

* TopOCR 2.6.exe

But be before install this tools I have a WIN98SE (german) install in following order:

Win98 SE -installation-order : (Dezember 2009)


Intel Core2Duo E4400




1.)Win98 SE

2.)SP 3.0 b4 (nandlstadt)

3.)RAM-Settings if you have 1 GB...2GB RAM

(edit system.ini >> [386Enh] MaxPhysPage=48000

[vcache] MaxFileCache=65535 )

4.)USB 2.0-Setup Maximus 3.3d

5.)DirectX9.0c (orig. Microsoft-setup February 2006)

6.)Set your DVD-Drive/(IDE-Harddisk) to DMA-Mode

7.)Driver-install graphic-board

8.)Driver-install SATA-Harddisk (some boards need it , some not)

9.)Virtuell Clone Drive

10.)Driver-Install Network-Interface

11.)MS Office 2000

12.)init USB >> C:\Windows\Inf

13.)Adaptec ASPI-Driver 4.71.2


- folders: classic view

- Sreensaver: on

- Monitor : on

- show all files

15.)Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 (minimal Installation)

16.)Settings >> Internet Explorer >> Modem\LAN...

17.)Microsoft Media Player 9

18.)Microsoft Netframework 1.1

19.)Microsoft Netframework 2.0

20.)FileOpenPatcher 9.1

21.)IrfanView 4.1 + plugins (only pictures)

22.)7-zip 4.65

23.)Driver-Install Soundcard (e.g. USB-portable Speedlink SL-8850)

24.)Microsoft Visual C++ Runtimes 2005

25.)Microsoft Visual C++ Runtimes 2008 (setup doesn't work , but you can

extract the vcredist_x86 [2008].exe then start vc_red.msi )

26.)KernelEx 4 Final 2

Nice greetings from Germany: taunus20m


= All Firefox 3.5.x stable (x=1..5) have worked on 98 SE with KernelEx :=)

The 3.5.5 however was a catastrophe in my books - not related to KEx, it crashed as well on Win 2k.

= Now running Firefox 3.6 beta 4, so far so good !



... Thanks again to the KernelEx author and team for their beautiful efforts !

Now working on Windows 98SE:

Updated list of what you can run with KernelEx4 tested by me: (thanks to KernelEX-developers!!)



* AviDemux 2.5.1



AviDemux realy work? Please, help. I try win2000, xp compatibility => error, error, error ...

Guest taunus20m

>>>Philco !

* Yes , AviDemux 2.5.1 [r5567] works (..after installed the recommended Win98 install order) ..see above

* Without Compatibility mode ! (...some tools need it , some not)

* only small mistake I see yet: loudness adjustment doesn´t work



Thunderbird 3 official release working with Win 98 FE!

I had to set KernalEx compatibility to Windows 2000 SP4 on Thunderbird.exe to get the window to display properly.


New Flash Player ActiveX, version, is not running properly here.

With the registry key given in KernelEx 4.0 Final 2 post #2, it accepts to install

but CPU usage stay close to 100%, making IE to crash.

It could be a drop better if I keep this registry key instead of deleting it.

I went back to version and I had to restore a previous registry backup to recover the same smooth system. :angry:

Thunderbird 3 official release working with Win 98 FE!

I had to set KernalEx compatibility to Windows 2000 SP4 on Thunderbird.exe to get the window to display properly.

Yes, I can confirm this too on Windows 98SE.

The installer needs to be set to Windows 2000 SP4 compatibility, and then thunderbird.exe before the first run.

However, Thunderbird 3.0 has the same printing failure as Firefox 3.x.x.

From what I understand, older Linux kernel versions also have printing failure with Firefox 3.x.x (and therefore Thunderbird 3.0).

This makes sense because newer printing functionality is used that does not exist in older OSes.


As I have been reeding the threads here and all that. I have installed Firefox 3.6 sussesfully on WinMe without having the installer pointed to the newer system.

I got Thunderbird installed on WinMe with the XP2 setting.

Now, I am compiling my own list of software that are freeware that are not compatable with the older systems, and I got a lot of the games, registry checkers, zip programs and many others installed and working okay on my computer. The ones that I found not working mostly the virus and trojan scanners not to install.

One program that I also got working and installed using KEX is a program called CeltX. It is a screenplay writer for movies and tv shows since I am a writer. A lot of these that I did find works great.

Last Notepad2 - Homepage Notepad2 works OK with KernelEx!

My setting (:


(NOTE: First edit kexver.ini Notepad.exe=win2000 / replace notepad.exe with notepad2.exe!)

Does the copy feature work?

Last Notepad2 - Homepage Notepad2 works OK with KernelEx!

My setting (:


(NOTE: First edit kexver.ini Notepad.exe=win2000 / replace notepad.exe with notepad2.exe!)

Does the copy feature work?

This setting on old KernelEx (3.6)

Posted (edited)

A very rough, mostly not attributed, complilation of the info from the above posts follows. As it was made chiefly for personal consumption, I didn't bother with games. Entries are grouped themetically, at least to the degree that I (correctly) recognised their function. All corrections, improvements and revisions, even including the addition of games, would be appreciated and beneficial to us all.


*Universal Extractor 1.6 beta works.

*xCHM, an excellent viewer for chm files.


* Java Runtime Environment 6 update 16

* Java Developer Kit 6

*Adobe Shockwave Player

*Adobe Flashplayer

regediting required

see post 1

but this, from a later post, worked for me:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Version (=> replace "Windows 98" by Windows NT)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\VersionNumber (==> replace 4.10.2222 by 5.20)

AFTERWARDS forget to change back afterwards (note the initial entries), otherwise problems when installing other software

*MemStatus 2.65 --- http://nuclearplayground.com/NuclearPlayground/ (requires mfc80.dll)

*SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition with XP compatibilty - SUPERAntiSpyware.exe / xp (Runsas.exe / xp mode too!)

* Passwordfolder_v10b.exe

* SophosFreeEncrytion 2.40.0

*Siteshoter 1.38 from NirSoft.

*Kerkythea, a free state of the art 3D renderer with some features you won't even find in most high end 3D packages. An amazing program.


*Wings3D 1.0 seems to work OK. The file erlang.exe must be put in 2K compatibility mode for it to work.


You have to had 'mfc42u.dll' (from C:\WINDOWS\system32) in the same folder or in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM

The only thing that has to be added is the mfc42u.dll file to C:\windows\system folder and GDI+

*GIMP 2.2.17

*Google Picasa 3


*Free Corel Paint Shop Pro X


*ArtRage 2.5

* ArtWeaver 0.5.7

*Photoshop CS

*IrfanView Kadmos OCR plugin works if you set Windows 2000 compatibility mode for IrfanView. It throws many errors, but it is possible to get text from a picture.

*Adobe Reader 7.0.8 (ORCAed for installation & see post 19 for critical registry alterations; Note that SEARCH works with latest Kernelex)

*Adobe Reader 7.0.9 (ORCAed for installation & see post 19 for critical registry alterations; Note that SEARCH works with latest Kernelex)

*Acrobat 6 Professional (see post 54)

* PDF-XChange Viewer 2.0 [build 42.09]

* Haihaisoft PDF Reader

* i2pdf version 1.020

* TopOCR 2.6.exe

* VLC-Player 1.0.3 is working fine (but not skins)

*foobar2000 0.9.4.x

Needs setting of [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion] CurrentVersion key to 5.1 DON'T FORGET to delete it afterwards!!!

* Haihaisoft-Universal-Player-EN

*MPC (build 104)

* MPC-HomeCinema.1.3.1249.0.exe (Media Player Classic [HomeCinema]) (possible with with the addition of psapi.dll )

*Winamp 5.35

*FFDSHOW Universal DirectShowDecoder works fine with KEX 4.0.

* Quicktime Alternative 2.9.0

* Realtime Alternative 2.0.1

* MPUI.2009-06-12.Full-Package.exe (MPlayer)

* Cole2k.Media.Codec.Pack.V7.9.0

* Infrarecorder 0.50

* XP-Codec Pack 2.5.0

* Audio-Con 1.0

* AviDemux 2.5.1

*K-Lite Codec Pack

Notes: DON'T let it to "correct the registry", and i prefer to just use KMPlayer.

* AlShow 1.7

*HOLMImpulse, a program for speaker gain and phase response measurement


*Latest BlueCat VST and DirectX audio plugins (tested on the free plugin packs only)


*Latest Voxengo VST plugins (tested on the free plugins only)


*All VST plugins requiring the Pluggo runtime


*KnobMan and SkinMan, two applications for creating knobs and skins for VST plugins


*Firefox 3.6

*Firefox 3.5.3 [create a link to C:\programs\..Mozilla..firefox.exe]

The 3.5.5 however was a catastrophe in my books - not related to KEx, it crashed as well on Win 2k.

= Now running Firefox 3.6 beta 4, so far so good !

*Opera 10 Beta 3 build 1708 on Win98 SE without problem/s.

*Seamonkey 2.0a3 (see post 21)

*Download Master

* Thunderbird 3 Official Release

*OpenOffice.org 3.1.1

*WordPerfect X3

* CHARMAP.exe is working, but you have to had 'getuname.dll' (from C:\WINDOWS\system32) in the same folder or in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM

*AptDiff, an excellent freeware binary diff.


* XP CALC.exe

*Nero 7 now fully nstalls and runs properly and complete as it does in W2k/XP blushing.gif

* Burnaware Free 2.4.2 (delete the WnASPI32.dll from Installations-folder:

maybe create a batch :

del "C:\Programme\BurnAware Free\wnaspi32.dll")

*Alcohol 120%

Notes: This is the last version working natively in 9x, without needing any patches. Why not stick with what works? I've never had any problem with this version, as a matter of fact i

still use it on my dual-PIII running XP.


Yes, Skype (without video) install with MSI (!) install pack without KernelEx. I provide this version:


New version MSI Skype - Skype 4.0 for Windows Business version with (MSI)

NOTE:Skype runs from Usb-flash safer than a harddrive as it wastes important memory resources!


*MSN Messenger 7.0.820


*QEmu 0.9

* Super2009 [build 36]

*JNES, a relatively-decent NES/Famicom emulator, installs and runs if you set to win2000 or higher.


*Golly 1.4, a Game of Life simulator


*Liquid Resize 0.67, a seam carving application


*Wakoopa Works!

For installation needs temporary replacing of [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion] VersionNumber key to "5.10.2600" to install - DON'T FORGET to change it

back!!! And need change the compatibility mode to "Windows NT 4.0 SP6".


*Triple Cheese

*Visual C++ Toolkit 2003

- - -


* XP OSK.exe is NOT working

* XP WORDPAD.exe is NOT working

* Notepad2 (well, works save for utterly critical copy feature)

*Acrobat Professional 7

*Word Perfect X4

*Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2

*Sound Forge 9.0e

*Yahoo Messenger 9 Beta

Edited by cure
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