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Issue with wireless

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I am working on a Dell Inspiron 6400/E1505, I have reformatted it and install all the drivers from the website. I can find my wireless router put when I try to connect, it will not get passed the acquiring network address. I have put in the correct phrase

I have never installed blue tooth before and it has been installing for more than a half hour, is that normal?

Thank you.

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are the DNS settings correct on your router?

Do you have a static ip address in your network settings? If you have, try setting that to automatic

Make sure DHCP is also switched on in your router config

Also if you go to the command prompt, and do an ipconfig /all what is the default gateway? That should be set to your routers ip address... try pinging the default gateway and see if it replies... eg... ping

make sure your router is not blocking your mac address.... sometimes they are filtering clients and you need to allow your PC in the router settings.

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