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WAIK Exception from HRESULT: 0x800F0823

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Hello, it's the first time y try to insert an installation in my vlited version of vista, with the WAIK.

With vLite I have Integrated updates, removed some components, made tweaks and some unnatended steps.

But DONT't made the ISO, I only aply changes, and have the files of my vlited vista in the folder.

When I Open WAIK and select install.wim, It return a message: "Do you want to create a catalog file?"

I say "Yes"

And the error returned is:

"Error creating a catalog file

Details: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800F0823"

If any one knows a solution, please help! :wacko:

thank youy very much :hello:

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are you using the latest vLite? i remember an earlier caused problems when you opened the image in WSIM. Try using the latest version of vLite.

Also, make sure to use the latest WAIK too.

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You are using a very old version of WAIK. The latest version is here and was released in february this year. If you are making Vista SP1 install this version is a must.

Try it and see if that solves your problem.


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