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Posted (edited)

Anyone got a method to install version 4.x with his method?

When I edit as told (and exchange 3.0 with 4.0) , it gives errors when compiling the script. Would be nice to know if anyone got a solution to silent install ConvertXtoDVD.

I figured it out, the error was because "{code:GetVideoStandard}" need to be replaced with "vs_forcepal" OR "vs_forcentsc" (Use PAL or NTSC)

Edited by franner

Posted (edited)

Here we go:


1. step: download convertxtodvd from here: http://www.vso-software.fr/download_product_direct.php?product=convertxtodvd

2. step: download "innounp, the Inno Setup Unpacker" from here: http://innounp.sourceforge.net/

3. step: download "Inno Setup Compiler – QuickStart Pack" from here: http://www.jrsoftware.org/download.php/ispack.exe

4. step: put your ConvertXtoDVD-Installer in any folder and create a subfolder named "unpack" therein

5. step: put innounp.exe in the same folder like the ConvertXtoDVD-Installer

6. step: open a cmd-window in this path (i use TotalCommander) and type in the following

innounp.exe -x -m -dunpack vsoinstallername.exe

Example: innounp.exe -x -m -dunpack vsoConvertXtoDVD4_setup.exe

7. step: install "Inno Setup Compiler – QuickStart Pack " you downloaded in step 2

8. step: go to the folder named "unpack" and open the file "install_script.iss" with Inno-Setup (just double-click)

now you can see the original install-script.

For silent install we must edit/add/remove some lines in this script.

9. step:

in the [setup] section

edit the following line with your choice - write there a name for the new compiled EXE without extension (ex. OutputBaseFilename=silentinstall)


10. step:

in the [setup] section

Change the line


By replacing the value „{code:GetAppName}“ with your choice

(i used the value from „AppVerName“)

11. step:

in the [setup] section

If you use "InnoIDE" from QuickStart Pack go to Settings / Compiler Settings and hit the "Generate"-Button to get your own AppID

alternativ: Add a new line like this:


change the value to your choice, the double-{ is correct

12. step:

in the [Registry] section

add the following line

Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\VSO\ConvertXtoDVD\4.0"; Valuename: "LicenseKey"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-x"; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\VSO\ConvertXtoDVD\4.0\settings"; Valuename: "Gen_CheckForUpdate"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "FALSE"; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist

Where the x stands for YOUR own LicenseKey

13. step:

in the [Registry] section

search the following line

Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\VSO\ConvertXToDVD\3.0\settings"; ValueName: "TvFmt_Video_Standard";
ValueType: String; ValueData: "{code:GetVideoStandard}"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue

Change "{code:GetVideoStandard}" to "vs_automatic"

14. step

go to [Run] section

delete all lines from this section

15. step

Go to [uninstallRun] section

Remove the following line:

Filename: "http://www.vso-software.fr/uninstallform.php?software=ConvertXToDVD4&version="; RunOnceId: "convertxtodvduninstallsurvey"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0;

16. step:

Go to [Tasks] section

Remove the following line

Name: "stats"; Description: "{cm:AllowStat}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalTasks}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0;

After all these steps you must compile your script.

Save your script

exit the program "Inno...."

right click of the script - select "compile"

After all these stept you have a new EXE in the folder "Output"

for silent installing this EXE with progress-bar use the following switches

Example: ConvertxtoDVD_new.exe /SP- /SILENT

for complete silent installing this EXE without any window use the following switches

Example: ConvertxtoDVD_new.exe /SP- /VERYSILENT

Thats it

If all these steps are to complicated for you....see my attached file - insert YOU license an have fun.


Edited by skavenger

If you care about the uninstall entry to look like the original you will also add these to the Setup section


  • 2 weeks later...

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