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A Hotfix/Update causing infinite reboot loop after install


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One of the following updates is causing this:


Tried the ISO without updates in VPC.Everything worked ok.Integrated all of these updates and boom...after install text appears...interactive logon process failed and vista restarts in VPC and starts an infinite loop: installing updates:stage 3/3 97%-100% done - restart - and so on...

Anyone can make a guess what update may cause this?

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Tomorrow, I met that issues many times during development. Please attach your preset so that I can try it.

Meanwhile see that you are not using any RTM hotfixes as the Andre already suggested. (I have not checked which those could be)

Note to self, gotta add a warning for that, it is in todo anyway.

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Tomorrow, I met that issues many times during development. Please attach your preset so that I can try it.

Meanwhile see that you are not using any RTM hotfixes as the Andre already suggested. (I have not checked which those could be)

Note to self, gotta add a warning for that, it is in todo anyway.

Here it is:

Last_Session.iniI must add that the hotfixes in this preset are not the same as those i tried now.The correct list is in the picture in this topic.Everything else stands as in the preset.Thanks for the help.I will also try the same build with the preset above without the language pack fix included and see if this resolves the issue.

BTW:Also i tried all those fixes in VPC on a working install.Nearly all of them installed on an image with SP1 integrated so im 98% sure none of them are RTM hotfixes.Only Bitlocker didnt install but i didnt include it in the latest build that looped after install so its not the issue.All hotfixes are from Microsoft Download Center and are valid.Also nearly all of them are relatively new as i was specifically looking to include newest hotfixes not included in SP1.

Edited by Tomorrow
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  • 1 year later...

Did anyone find out why Vista constantly reboots?

I am getting the exact same problem, but on Vista SP2 (x86).

I am quite sure it is because I removed "winsxs (Component Cache)" and also, added hotfixes.

I can:

Add hotfixes and not remove the winsxs stuff

Remove the winsxs stuff and not add hotfixes

I cannot:

Add hotfixes and remove winsxs

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  • 6 years later...

had a similar problem after manually integrating the DirectX 11 update for Vista, the solution is to boot again from the disc and at the windows setup press Shift+F10 for command prompt then chdir to C:\windows\winsxs and delete the files cleanup.xml and pending.xml, if your windows drive is not mounted use the mountvol command

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