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How much is this job worth


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i am a student with no work experience looking for a free lance web developer job, and i am ask to do a web site

the site will be like a staff portal, where they can apply for leave, travel requests, submit MCs etc. then managers can approve and reject these requests. basically something like that

some of my achievements:

- got a GPA of 3.896 out of 4 for my past 4 semesters in NYP

- had 17 Distinctions & 13 A’s so far

- learnt CCNA waiting to take CCNA exam

Edited by iceangel89
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Most probably not what you asked for :unsure:, and not even something you will particularly appreciate :(, but I have to make you more "pragmatist".

In "real" world, noone will care about your student career and your excellent achievements.

Questions are:

Will the site be liked by the management?

How much is the average rate in your country for building a site like that?

(from what you write it should be like a complex one)

How much are they willing to pay for it?

How much capable are you in illustrating your capabilities, the beauty and easyness of your project, or, in other words, in "selling" your time?

What a Company generally looks for is having the best possible product for the least money.

Point is that they are usually not experts in the field (or they would not need a web designer) so the perception of what is "best" may be not an objective one.

On the other hand, they know all or nearly all about money, and about competition, I wouldn't be surprised if they asked the same site to at least three other web designers.

So the advice is:

1) be as clear as possible in illustrating what the result would be, it's features, potentiality, expecially regarding ability to be expanded in the future, by adding more features, modules, and so on (Companies simply love people with positive attitude that hint that their business is going to expand)

2) estimate how much of your time will be needed to write the code and build the site, plus some time to test and troubleshoot it, apply the changes you will undoubtedly be asked for

3) apply to it what you think is a reasonable fee, do not overdo it, but do not undersell your time, Companies, see above, sometimes think that cheap means "worse than"

4) quote also a "flat" fee for periodical maintenance of the site, let them know that building a site is just part of "going on the internet"

From what I know, her in Italy/Europe, to build a very simple site goes anywhere between 250 and 1.000 Euro, and from 1.000 to 5.000 Euro for a "normal" one, with a hourly fee between 25 and 45 Euro.

It is common a yearly 250 to 500 Euro for simple maintenance, plus an extra fee for "structural" changes.

But the point is that for the same money you can get a very good site or a very bad one, web designers usually have a "portfolio" of sites to show as examples, but actually it all depends on the feeling between the web designer and the Company officer and on the "right" price, whether he will be awarded the contract.

I have no idea about the complexity of your project, so cannot say what could be "fair".

Best wishes for your professional future! :)


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