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MaximumPC, June 2008

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I walked by the magazine rack at lunch today and ogled the wares (good meaning ). Surprise, surprise. MaximumPC has nLite burned to CD and the CD says "650 MB of our favorite PC-tweaking software!" and "Ultimate PC Toolkit". They list the apps on the back slip. I took a picture of the issue I bought but it was with a cellphone camera so the quality is poor. You make out the name nLite next to the upper right side of the disk on the back slip sheet.

Picture of MaximumPC back cover.

I don't know what is inside the magazine yet because I haven't torn the plastic cover yet. I believe this is the first official copy of nLite I have owned :P as it is not one I burned myself. :)

I wanted to turn to the woman standing next to me and say 'I know the guys that made this program' but thought better of it.

:hello: Hi nuhi.


I´m sure that nuhi will put his face like you use for your avatar ;).

:unsure: Ummmm, me being a monkeyboy or is there something about nuhi I don't know? :P


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