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Help with a batch file.

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the echo. puts the blank line, your other option would be to put

if exist c:\maplist.txt del c:\maplist.txt

which would delete the file so there would be nothing to append to.

OK out of my 3 echo occurrences I had, I just took a guess at which one you meant and I got it to work correctly. Plus, the coding makes a little more sense to me. I figured deleting the file would be the way to go, anyway. Thanks!

@echo off
if exist c:\maplist.txt del c:\maplist.txt
for /f "delims=*" %%f in ('dir /s /a /b "C:\Users\user1\Documents\Backup Files\Halo\Halo CE Maps\"') do echo %%~nf >> c:\maplist.txt

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This is how I'd do it:

@Echo off
>C:\maplist.txt Type Nul
Pushd C:\Users\User1\Documents\Backup Files\Halo\Halo CE Maps
For /f "delims=" %%# In ('dir/b/s/a-d') Do >>C:\maplist.txt Echo:%%~n#

Write an empty output file first, then perform the commands.

You'll notice I've used -d to select only files. This is because removing extensions from files and directories you'd be unable to differentiate which was which in your output file.

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Here is a VBS script that will list the Halo folder and write the text file you want.

I added 3 lines of code for making the numbers appear 001, 002 Etc.

Save As ListHalo.vbs

Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim F1, F2, F3,TS
Set TS = Fso.CreateTextFile("C:\maplist.txt")
Set F1 = Fso.GetFolder(" C:\Users\User1\Documents\Backup Files\Halo\Halo CE Maps")
For Each F2 In F1.Files
F3 = F3 + 1
If Len(F3) = 1 Then F3 = "00" & F3
If Len(F3) = 2 Then F3 = "0" & F3
If Len(F3) = 3 Then F3 = F3
TS.WriteLine F3 & " " & F2.Name

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Here is a VBS script that will list the Halo folder and write the text file you want.

I added 3 lines of code for making the numbers appear 001, 002 Etc.

Save As ListHalo.vbs

Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim F1, F2, F3,TS
Set TS = Fso.CreateTextFile("C:\maplist.txt")
Set F1 = Fso.GetFolder(" C:\Users\User1\Documents\Backup Files\Halo\Halo CE Maps")
For Each F2 In F1.Files
F3 = F3 + 1
If Len(F3) = 1 Then F3 = "00" & F3
If Len(F3) = 2 Then F3 = "0" & F3
If Len(F3) = 3 Then F3 = F3
TS.WriteLine F3 & " " & F2.Name

Well that's cool. It's always nice to see a different way of doing things. However, this code produced this error message and I'll just type it out:

Script: C:\Users\user1\Desktop\ListHalo.vbs

Line: 4

Char: 1

Error: Path not found

Code: 800A004C

Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error.

The text file is created but blank. I'm interested in seeing what this code is suppose to do.

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It was a sloppy cut and paste there is a extra space in the path

Set F1 = Fso.GetFolder(" C:\Users\User1\Documents\Backup Files\Halo\Halo CE Maps")

Set F1 = Fso.GetFolder("C:\Users\User1\Documents\Backup Files\Halo\Halo CE Maps")

You have to make sure you have that path, or change it to what ever path you want

Set F1 = Fso.GetFolder("C:\WINDOWS\system32")

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It was a sloppy cut and paste there is a extra space in the path

Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim F1, F2, F3,TS
Set TS = Fso.CreateTextFile("C:\maplist.txt")
Set F1 = Fso.GetFolder("C:\Users\User1\Documents\Backup Files\Halo\Halo CE Maps")
For Each F2 In F1.Files
F3 = F3 + 1
If Len(F3) = 1 Then F3 = "00" & F3
If Len(F3) = 2 Then F3 = "0" & F3
If Len(F3) = 3 Then F3 = F3
TS.WriteLine F3 & " " & F2.Name

I see it now. I just went ahead and plopped in the correct version of the code. I'm surprised I didn't see that, actually. Anywho, I like both versions, that is, the batch file, and the VB script. Not only can I now generate a list of Halo CE (a separate version of Halo that allows you to play custom content) maps I have, but I can now say with ease that wow I just have too many! Just 1,069, that's all. lol

I've been wanting to learn a little VBScript. This'll help in more ways than one. Thanks to everyone!

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Here is the same script that list a few more details

Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim F1, F2, F3, Size, TS, V1, V2
V1 = Chr(160) & Chr(187) & Chr(160)
Set TS = Fso.CreateTextFile("C:\maplist.txt")
Set F1 = Fso.GetFolder("C:\Users\User1\Documents\Backup Files\Halo\Halo CE Maps")
For Each F2 In F1.Files
F3 = F3 + 1
If Len(F3) = 1 Then F3 = "000" & F3
If Len(F3) = 2 Then F3 = "00" & F3
If Len(F3) = 3 Then F3 = "0" & F3
If Len(F3) = 4 Then F3 = F3
If F2.Size =< 1048576 Then Size = FormatNumber(F2.Size/1024,2) & "KB"
If F2.Size >= 1048576 Then Size = FormatNumber(F2.Size/1048576,2) & " MB"
If F2.Size >= 1073741824 Then Size = FormatNumber(F2.Size/1073741824,2) & " GB"
V2 = V2 + F2.Size
TS.WriteLine F3 & " " & F2.Name
TS.WriteLine "Created " & V1 & F2.DateCreated
TS.WriteLine "Accessed " & V1 & F2.DateLastAccessed
TS.WriteLine "Modified " & V1 & F2.DateLastModified
TS.WriteLine "FileSize " & V1 & Size & vbCrLf
Size = ""
If V2 =< 1048576 Then Size = FormatNumber(V2/1024,2) & "KB"
If V2 >= 1048576 Then Size = FormatNumber(V2/1048576,2) & " MB"
If V2 >= 1073741824 Then Size = FormatNumber(V2/1073741824,2) & " GB"
TS.WriteLine "C:\WINDOWS\system32"
TS.WriteLine "TotalSize" & V1 & Size & vbCrLf

Edited by gunsmokingman
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Here is the same script that list a few more details
Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim F1, F2, F3, Size, TS, V1, V2
V1 = Chr(160) & Chr(187) & Chr(160)
Set TS = Fso.CreateTextFile("C:\maplist.txt")
Set F1 = Fso.GetFolder("C:\Users\User1\Documents\Backup Files\Halo\Halo CE Maps")
For Each F2 In F1.Files
F3 = F3 + 1
If Len(F3) = 1 Then F3 = "000" & F3
If Len(F3) = 2 Then F3 = "00" & F3
If Len(F3) = 3 Then F3 = "0" & F3
If Len(F3) = 4 Then F3 = F3
If F2.Size =< 1048576 Then Size = FormatNumber(F2.Size/1024,2) & "KB"
If F2.Size >= 1048576 Then Size = FormatNumber(F2.Size/1048576,2) & " MB"
If F2.Size >= 1073741824 Then Size = FormatNumber(F2.Size/1073741824,2) & " GB"
V2 = V2 + F2.Size
TS.WriteLine F3 & " " & F2.Name
TS.WriteLine "Created " & V1 & F2.DateCreated
TS.WriteLine "Accessed " & V1 & F2.DateLastAccessed
TS.WriteLine "Modified " & V1 & F2.DateLastModified
TS.WriteLine "FileSize " & V1 & Size & vbCrLf
Size = ""
If V2 =< 1048576 Then Size = FormatNumber(V2/1024,2) & "KB"
If V2 >= 1048576 Then Size = FormatNumber(V2/1048576,2) & " MB"
If V2 >= 1073741824 Then Size = FormatNumber(V2/1073741824,2) & " GB"
TS.WriteLine "C:\WINDOWS\system32"
TS.WriteLine "TotalSize" & V1 & Size & vbCrLf

cool. Where's the best place to go to learn all about VBScript, then? Should I just get a book on VBScripts from Wrox?

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