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Help with a batch file.

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Wow haven't written/requested anything from the forum lately. Just a quick one. I used to be fammiliar with this but have forgotten it most likely. I need to use a batch file to create a text file containing the contentents of a folder. More basically put: Its a batch file/command that will tell me the contents of a folder and put it in a text file in a folder of my choosing.

Thans in advance,

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If you create a batch file that does a dir /s, and output it to a text file, it should be sufficient.

dir /a /r /s x:\path\to\directory\you\want\listed\ > x:\path\to\text\file.txt

This will be all you need.

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If you create a batch file that does a dir /s, and output it to a text file, it should be sufficient.

dir /a /r /s x:\path\to\directory\you\want\listed\ > x:\path\to\text\file.txt

This will be all you need.

Thanks that's exactly what i needed. Thanks again,

My other question is: Is there any way to create it or run another command etc so that the details wouldn't show, only the files.

So instead of 30/01/2008 04:16 735,145,984 28 Weeks Later.avi

it would be 28 Weeks Later

Edited by madbull
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It's just the /b switch you need

dir/b/a/s "x:\path\to\directory\you\want\listed">"x:\path\to\text\file.txt"

Or depending on what your output file is to be used for try this as a test:

tree "%programfiles%" /f /a>.\desktop\output.txt

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  • 1 month later...
It's just the /b switch you need
dir/b/a/s "x:\path\to\directory\you\want\listed">"x:\path\to\text\file.txt"

Or depending on what your output file is to be used for try this as a test:

tree "%programfiles%" /f /a>.\desktop\output.txt

Thanks! Just what i needed,

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  • 2 weeks later...
dir/b/a/s "x:\path\to\directory\you\want\listed">"x:\path\to\text\file.txt"

I saw this thread and wanted to ask a question on this. I'm new here, sorry if it's against the rules to ask a question from someone else's thread. I know some forums are like that.

BASICALLY, I like what the above code does, however I only want to see the list of files I have, without the path and also without the extension. Example:

Instead of seeing C:\Program Files\myfile.txt, I'd rather just see myfile.

Is this possible w/ a batch file or do I need to use a different language (VB)?

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for /f %f in ('dir /s /a /b c:\winpe') do echo %~nf

will do it, keep in mind it will also give you the directories, replace c:\winpe with the directory you want the list from. If you want the results in a file add >>filename.txt to the end of the line.

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for /f %f in ('dir /s /a /b c:\winpe') do echo %~nf

will do it, keep in mind it will also give you the directories, replace c:\winpe with the directory you want the list from. If you want the results in a file add >>filename.txt to the end of the line.

Doesn't seem to work. It's not producing an output file. Here's what I'm using.

for /f %f in ('dir /s /a /b "C:\Users\User1\Documents\Backup Files\Halo\Halo CE Maps\"') do echo %~nf >> C:\maplist.txt

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If you have it in a batch file double up the % signs %%f

And with the space in the path you need this:

for /f "delims=*" %f in ('dir /s /a /b "c:\users\user1\documents\backup files\halo\halo ce maps\"') do echo %~nf >> c:\maplist.txt

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If you have it in a batch file double up the % signs %%f

And with the space in the path you need this:

for /f "delims=*" %f in ('dir /s /a /b "c:\users\user1\documents\backup files\halo\halo ce maps\"') do echo %~nf >> c:\maplist.txt

Yes it's in a batch file of course, hence the name of the thread. Anyway, the above code isn't the right answer, but modifying it based on your comment (adding the second '%'), was. This is what ended up working:

for /f "delims=*" %%f in ('dir /s /a /b "C:\Users\user1\Documents\Backup Files\Halo\Halo CE Maps\"') do echo %%~nf >> c:\maplist.txt

Here's a couple things I don't like.

  1. Is there a way to get it to run so you don't see the batch file outputting the data to the file on the screen?
  2. I noticed that if I run the file again, it appends. Instead, I'd prefer it to overwrite the existing file.

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@echo off
for /f "delims=*" %%f in ('dir /s /a /b "c:\users\user1\documents\backup files\halo\halo ce maps\"') do echo %%~nf >> c:\maplist.txt

Got the first problem solved. However, the file is still being 'appended'. Let me make myself clear. When I run the batch file, it exports the list to the file, and if I run it a second and third time, what I end up with is two and three sets of the list, so if I have 300 files, running the batch file 2 and 3 times would make me end up with 600 and 900 items in the file. To get what I want, I have to manually delete maplist.txt and THEN run my batch file. So basically I need the file to be opened for input, not for append, if that sounds right.

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Sorry, forgot to put the path to maplist.txt in. change echo.>maplist.txt to echo.>c:\maplist.txt

OK that worked. Here's something I noticed. Why am I getting a blank line at the top of my file? Just wondering. Not a big issue, just a small annoyance. Here's what I'm using now based on your most recent reply:

@echo off
for /f "delims=*" %%f in ('dir /s /a /b "C:\Users\user1\Documents\Backup Files\Halo\Halo CE Maps\"') do echo %%~nf >> c:\maplist.txt

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