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Error: could not locate INF file


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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, i've tested slipstreaming windows media player 11 completely on its own and the Error: could not locate INF file 'C:\WINDOWS\HFSLIP\IHFSLP151.INF' occurs.

What has been changed in the slipstreaming process that will be causing this?

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I want to verify if something weird is going on during Windows setup.

Do you know how to create an ISO on your own? If so, remove the following line from HFSLPGUI.INF in SOURCESS\I386 using Notepad and save the file:

HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce",HFSLIPGUI,0x20000,"CMD /C RD/Q/S %WINDIR%\HFSLIP"

This causes the temporary HFSLIP folder (which holds the HFSLP*.INF files) to remain in the Windows folder after installation.

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Sorry to bother you with this, but I would really like to know what's going on there.

Can you do this?

Start installation.

When you get the error message about the missing HFSLP151.INF file, press shift-F10; this opens a command prompt.

Navigate to [C]:\Windows\HFSLIP and type dir /b hfslp1* which will display a list of file names starting with HFSLP1 (if the files exist).

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