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Win2k Slipstreaming


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Hi everyone!!

I started playing a little with HFSLIP & Win2k SP4, but there are some things I need to know first.

Where does DX9 go? in HFCABS? should I include only DXNT.CAB or should I also put BDANT.CAB & ManagedDX.cab??

Where do I put IE6SP1??? which cab files should I include? (there's a truckload of 'em).

Where does mpsetup.exe go? should I rename/uncompress it?

I appreciate the help!

Thanks in advance.


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I got an error "unknown command line identifier" (or something like that) while hfslip was processing KB870669...still, it continued, but copied no files from that hotfix.

it was "command line option", I don't know how I came up with "identifier"

Edited by jvidal
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I know which ones are required, I did a clean install of w2k SP4, then installed DX9C, IE6SP1 and WMP9 and then got all HF that WU wanted me to have and added them to the corresponding folders...

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KB870669 is not supported because it is a Type 2 hotfix while HFSLIP generally treats hotfixes with "Windows" in their name as Type 1 hotfixes. Support for "exceptions" is added as necessary.

Adding support for KB870669 isn't necessary because that hotfix adds a killbit which is also added by the latest cumulative update for MSIE. This means that you don't need KB870669 anymore when installing the latest cumulative update for MSIE.

The problem with your approach is that Windows Update shows you all hotfixes it has ever shown for your OS base, including those which have been replaced by newer hotfixes or a combination of newer hotfixes. My hotfix list doesn't show the ones which are replaced.

When a hotfix requires "additional attention" (such as KB870669), support may be added into HFSLIP, but when such hotfix is later replaced by a newer hotfix (as is the case here) the "additional attention" for the older hotfix is removed from HFSLIP over time. Examples:

- most workarounds for the problems with the first version of the Update Rollup are removed because they were fixed in the second version

- additional support for Type 2 hotfixes for MSIE and MSOE was removed because they are all replaced by newer Type 1 hotfixes

So slipstreaming all hotfixes that Windows Update shows you is a bad idea. Just use my list. Windows Update may be dumb enough to show you all updates, but at least it's smart enough to not show you old updates if you have the newest installed.

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Hi Tomcat.

Rememeber i did i clean install of w2k SP4 (already integrated), so the updates on WU should apply only to w2k SP4. Plus, right after first logon I installed IE6SP1+DX9C+WMP9. I have never seen WU show an update that was superseeded by another (and show the new one too), it only shows the new one.

Anyway, I will remove that update, since it's not supported.

After a bit of trial-and-error (I had some problems, so i had to make some mods to txtsetup.sif and unattend.txt to reflect the correct paths, since I took the source from a multi-boot cd), I was able to get it working right. The only "problem" is that WU now offers me KB926121 (which I didn't include in HF), should I add it to the mix and re-build?

EDIT: I took a look at your list and it was almost identical to mine except for 2 or 3 updates. I dloaded the missing ones and removed the ones not needed.

Let's see what WU thinks after i rebuild and install.

thanks again.


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yes, of course I did.

Rebuilt and re-installed, worked just fine, WU was 100% happy.

But...flash player didn't work. Visited a page and it prompted me to install it, even though I included the re-worked package in HFCABS, still no luck with that.


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I can confirm this. It's probably due to the recent change in the custom package from "RegisterOCXs" to "RegisterDLLs". Windows 2000 seems more strict.

I'm going to test if all Windows versions accept BOTH a RegisterOCXs and a RegisterDLLs section.

Meanwhile, you can work around this by running regsvr32 %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\Macromed\Flash\Flash9e.ocx from the Run prompt.

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OK. Windows 2000 will only register the file if "RegisterOCXs" is used. Neither Windows 2000 nor Windows XP show a problem if both "RegisterOCXs" and "RegisterDLLs" are used so I updated the package so both registration methods are used. Thanks for the heads up :)

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