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Update Hammer, working with WUD, mostly


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Update Hammer v.1.0

UpdateHammer is yet another Windows Updates installer, though specifically designed for use with WUD. It hasn't been tested on ALL updates but should work with the updates downloaded into Critical and Other in WUD for Windows XP, as well as Office 2003 and 2007.

Setting the Updates Folder can be done manually with an INI file called updates.ini or via the GUI. It will also scan subdirectories.

Please let me know if this works for you and what updates it doesn't install. It's taken me about a two days to write up so there are most likely bugs and issues.

It uses the program from Microsoft called QChain.exe, although not required for the program to run, it helps with keeping your machine clean and updated properly. This gets put in the same directory as the program itself. Extract the file that gets downloaded from the below link to the Update Hammer folder.


The program DOES NOT check to see what Updates have been installed, yet. Sorta the reason why I called it UpdateHammer as it just use a dull blunt object to update everything. Fortunately if the file is already installed it will not reinstall it. When the program is finished updating it will ask if you want to restart, yes or no. NO exits the program and Yes, well, restarts.

You could use this in conjunction with Belarc Advisor http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html to check what updates you need. Then use WUD to get those updates, put them in a folder and then point UpdateHammer to that folder.

Should work in 2000 and XP. I don't think it works with UNC paths, I haven't tested.

Obviously, use this at your own risk.




Edited by kickarse
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