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Office 2007 SP1 Released


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when i click on the download link on microsoft.com all i get is this

We’re sorry, but there is no Microsoft.com Web page that matches your entry. It is possible you typed the address incorrectly, or the page may no longer exist. You may wish to try another entry or choose from the links below, which we hope will help you find what you’re looking for.

isn't that cute ....but it's wroooooong!!!!! :P

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I "integrated" the SP1 like all the other updates into Office 2007. I downloaded the .exe file, extracted it with "/extract" and then I got 8 .msp files (for german Full SP1). I placed these .msp files into the "Updates" folder inside the Office 2007 installation directory and when setup launches, it automatically installs SP1 at the end of the install for me. :)

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Office 2007 does not have the integration (or slipstreaming) feature. Integration into the source is the old way according to MS. The new way to install updates is as mentioned by Dynaletik (in post above). Put the updates in the Updates folder and it will install.

This has been mentioned in the White Paper by MS here: http://office.microsoft.com/search/redir.a...=AM102512381033.

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Link no longer works - MS problem:

Here's an excerpt from Microsoft TechNet (http://technet2.microsoft.com/Office/en-us/library/2ce70869-aa75-4a73-9c9b-8b74001f1c3c1033.mspx?mfr=true):

Updates folder

If you are deploying an initial installation of the 2007 Office release and you also need to deploy 2007 Office release software updates, Setup can apply them as part of the initial installation process. If you are installing 2007 Office release after 2007 Office release product updates have been released, it is recommended that you store those updates in the \Updates folder; you can store the updates for any Office-related products that reside in the installation point in the \Updates folder. During the initial installation, Setup checks the \Updates folder for patches (MSP files) relevant to the 2007 Office release product being installed and applies the first patch during the installation. The first patch is determined by sorting the file names alphabetically. The remaining patches in the \Updates folder are installed at the end of the installation. If you are installing a customization patch, you may have to change its file name to ensure that it is installed first.

Setup identifies the customization MSP file that typically resides in the \Updates folder during initial deployment. If the \Updates folder contains multiple MSP files, the files are applied in alphabetical order, by file name. Setup detects customization patches at the beginning of the setup process and passes the patches directly to Microsoft Windows Installer as it installs the Windows Installer (MSI) files for the product. This ensures that the proper Option states and other settings specified by the administrator are established before applying the product patches. As a result, users receive the latest updates along with Office.

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