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Integration of Intel's SATA AHCI and RAID drivers

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Posted (edited)

Hello Jim,

thanks for your detailed report about your XP installation procedure, but I suspect, that you had integrated the wrong SATA AHCI driver.

Although you got Windows XP installed at least, it was not a good idea to set the SATA Controllers to "IDE" mode. You will get a better performance by running the SATA3 hdd in AHCI mode.

Your ASUS P8P67 DELUXE mainboard has 2 different types of internal SATA3 Controllers: 2 gray 6 GB/sec Intel P67 Express Chipset SATA AHCI ports and 2 navyblue 6 GB/sec Marvell® PCIe 9128 SATA AHCI ports.

Both of them require different SATA AHCI drivers from Intel resp. Marvell, but none of them will work with any NVIDIA nForce SATA driver.

So I would like to get answers to the following questions:

1. To which of the differently coloured SATA ports is your Seagate SATA3 hdd connected?

2. Why did you integrate any NVIDIA SATA driver?

Now I have a question. Will this hard drive stay in IDE mode or can it be changed back to SATA 3?
If you want to get the best possible stability and performance, you should set the SATA Controller of your SATA3 hdd to "AHCI" mode.

Since you will get a BSOD, if you change the SATA BIOS settings from within your currently running OS, I recommend

1. to create a new XP CD with integrated Intel resp. Marvell 91xx AHCI driver (please restart the procedure from scratch with a fresh copy of your original XP CD)

2. to set the SATA Controller of your hdd to "AHCI" mode andand

3. to restart a fresh XP installation.

Good luck!


Hello Fernando,

Thanks again for your invaluable advice and concern.

Naturally I am reading this while Win Update is at the first set of 98 of the 102 updates, LOL.

Answer to Question #1 The Sata3 Drive is connected to the blue #1 on the MB.

Answer question 2. Since first attempting to install XP with out Slipstreaming , I had a BSOD for PCI video error, which lead me to this forum, having an Nvidia 560ti, I assumed that the Nvidia slipstream was appropriate.

Just a quick question about Slipping in the Marvell 91xx AHCI driver, Should it be just the individual(32) mv91xx.inf or the both the mvx91xx.inf and mvxxmm.inf ?

Thank you again with my best regard's,


Edited by jimbra

Just a quick question about Slipping in the Marvell 91xx AHCI driver, Should it be just the individual(32) mv91xx.inf or the both the mvx91xx.inf and mvxxmm.inf ?
You can integrate them both, but when you get the textmode driver popup window, you should just highlight the listed "Marvell 91xx SATA Controller 32bit Driver".



Posted (edited)
Just a quick question about Slipping in the Marvell 91xx AHCI driver, Should it be just the individual(32) mv91xx.inf or the both the mvx91xx.inf and mvxxmm.inf ?
You can integrate them both, but when you get the textmode driver popup window, you should just highlight the listed "Marvell 91xx SATA Controller 32bit Driver".




After arriving home from work,

Well here is the new scenario with this new ISO, When the bios is set to AHCI (marvel is also set to AHCI) the disc is recognized in the bios, When slipstreaming the XP installer loads then says Windows can find no Hard Disc.

When the bios is set to IDE WinXP is ready to load. Considering one of two options either load via IDE and hope that SATA AHCI is restored with the new marvel driver or Attempt to re-format the drive with SeaTools to reset the MFT and MBR and start from square one.

Any thoughts on this one? or am I destined to become the 2000 post

Sorry to be such a pain,

Thanks again,


Edited by jimbra

Hello Jim,

although your Marvell driver problem is absolutely off-topic, I will continue trying to help you.

This is what you wrote:

Just a quick question about Slipping in the Marvell 91xx AHCI driver' date=' Should it be just the individual(32) mv91xx.inf or the both the mvx91xx.inf and mvxxmm.inf ?[/quote']The Marvell 91xx SATA driver packages I have here don't contain a file named "mvxxmm.inf". Which driver version did you take and where did you get it?

Another question:

Have you ever tried to integrate the 32bit Intel SATA AHCI driver according to my guide (=start post of this thread) and to connect your SATA hdd to one of the grey 6 GB/sec Intel SATA ports running in AHCI mode?



Posted (edited)

Hello Jim,

although your Marvell driver problem is absolutely off-topic, I will continue trying to help you.

This is what you wrote:

Just a quick question about Slipping in the Marvell 91xx AHCI driver' date=' Should it be just the individual(32) mv91xx.inf or the both the mvx91xx.inf and mvxxmm.inf ?[/quote']The Marvell 91xx SATA driver packages I have here don't contain a file named "mvxxmm.inf". Which driver version did you take and where did you get it?

Another question:

Have you ever tried to integrate the 32bit Intel SATA AHCI driver according to my guide (=start post of this thread) and to connect your SATA hdd to one of the grey 6 GB/sec Intel SATA ports running in AHCI mode?



Hi Fernando,

Thanks again for your sincere help, Having tried your 6GB port suggestion first , I noticed a Blue "MARVEL" 6gb sata port next to the grey ones then looked again at the ASUS manual.

I feel like such an "id*ot" ASUS supplies a dedicated 6gb SATA Marvel port. Manual? I don’t need read no steenkin’ manual. I have a 3gb drive so naturally in my mind I was set on connecting to a 3GB SATA port. The Nllite ISO is now loading in AHCI. I decided on a full format for a very clean install so a TB is going to take awhile.

The Marvell driver was from the ASUS install dvd and the version is 9128. 9120 is also available they are quite recent because ASUS manufactured the board this March.

{no need to do this now, I will try to slip in the 32bit Intel, also the 6gb port method, and do a separate 9120 marvel. Hopefully one of them will take in AHCI mode.

Thanks so much for your advice. My thoughts were also I may have forced the SATA drive into IDE mode and a reformat would do the trick. Having forgotten how many 100's times I had to re-format while beta testing XP}

Thanks again, and I upset with my self right now for causing such a ruckus, when I should have "completely" read the steenkin' manual.

Please accept my full apology,


Edited by jimbra

Since I am going to bed now, I have just uploaded for you the newest 32bit Marvell 91xx SATA driver v1.2.0.1002 dated 03-07-2011.

You can download it from >here<.

After having read the text of the TXTSETUP.OEM file it seems possible for me, that you have to check both listed "Marvell shared library for 32bit (install first)" and "Marvell 91xx SATA Controller 32bit Driver", when you get the textmode driver popup window.

Good night!




Just wanted to say thanks. I overlooked your suggestion on your December instructions "Make sure, that the CD/DVD device where you want to boot off your nLited CD, is not connected to any of the Intel S-ATA ports." Once I connected a usb-cdrom, XP loaded with no issues. Cheers.



Just an update that is more on "topic". First of all thank you again for all of your invaluable help.

After 14 clean Nlite XP SP3 ISO burns with every possible use of the Intel Marvell Driver sets. Some loaded XP. "ALL" failed to install without a BSOD or other no Disk found scenario's.

When Slipping in with your >modded 32bit Intel MSM textmode driver v8.9.8.1005< and then selecting ICH10.inf file and streaming it into the Nlite ISO. "EXPLICITLY" following the instructions on the first page.

My ASUS P8P67 LE is up and running in full AHCI mode.

Had you not protested my thoughts in the initial post in this thread, I would still be running in IDE mode and somewhat satisfied with doing so.

Thanks again for setting me straight with the "right" way to do things.

With my most sincere reply,



Hi Fernando,

first of all, many thanks for the help you bring to everyone here !

I will soon install a version of WinXP Home Edition on my computer but I have a lot of question on how to proceed.

My computer is described in my signature but I sum it up here : I have a newly-bought P8P67-M Pro (the µATX Asus-mobo based on the P67 chipset). This MB has some SATA ports:

- 1 Marvell 6gbs (navy blue)

- 2 P67 6Gbs (grey)

- 4 P67 3Gbs

I have a SSD, 2 HDD that will be configured as raid 0 (very soon) and one DVD having a SATA interface.

In order to avoid any issue with the AHCI/RAID of the port on which the DVD is plugged, I’ve chosen to plug it on the Marvel port, turning it to IDE mode in the BIOS (“EFI”).

Now, my problem begins and I have some question:

- I have to configure my P67 in RAID mode but I will install WinXP on a non-RAID SDD. Is there any problem with that choice?

- Do I have to create the RAID prior to the installation?

- I want to slipstream the drivers proposed in the ASUS DVD or any driver compatible with the P67 chipset (I will first try the ones you propose). I think that the implemented controller is a “Intel Series 6 / C200” but I don’t find it in the selection proposed by Nlite in the iastor file. Which controller do I have to select? (I try the same with the drivers extracted from the last iata_cd.exe proposed by Intel but). Could you tell me the one I have to integrate?

Many thanks in advance!


@ EddiNathan:

Welcome at MSFN Forums!

I have to configure my P67 in RAID mode but I will install WinXP on a non-RAID SDD. Is there any problem with that choice?
Not really, but you have to integrate the Intel RAID driver, because the related Intel SATA Controller has to be set to "RAID" mode, if you want to add a RAID0 array to any of the other Intel SATA ports.
Do I have to create the RAID prior to the installation?
You should have set the Intel SATA Controllers to "RAID" mode, before you are going to install Windows XP onto the SSD, but you can create the RAID0 array with the hdd members later.
I want to slipstream the drivers proposed in the ASUS DVD or any driver compatible with the P67 chipset (I will first try the ones you propose). I think that the implemented controller is a “Intel Series 6 / C200” but I don’t find it in the selection proposed by Nlite in the iastor file. Which controller do I have to select? (I try the same with the drivers extracted from the last iata_cd.exe proposed by Intel but). Could you tell me the one I have to integrate?
When you are going to integrate the Intel RAID driver, you probably have to choose the listed "Intel® Desktop/Workstation/Server Express Chipset SATA RAID Controller".




Hi again Fernando,

Thank you for your answer. I have made some... no I should say I've made a zwong of tests/splitstreamed XP CDs since my last post and I think it works now. As you suggest in your first post, I decided to select every driver proposed during the driver integration (point 5)and to add tha latest inf file (post 6).

I will try to test the "Intel® Desktop/Workstation/Server Express Chipset SATA RAID Controller" only and I'll tell you if it works or not.

Once my installation work properly, I will detail everything here and also in a French forum called forum-hardware. Do you authorize me to cite this topic ?

I go back to the test, I have still some to do !

Posted (edited)
Once my installation work properly, I will detail everything here and also in a French forum called forum-hardware. Do you authorize me to cite this topic ?
You can link to this thread as often and wherever you want. If you want to cite a text, please add the source link. Edited by Fernando 1

I have just finished one new Windows XP installation and it works fine. The controller detected under Windows is the one you told me. i will make one new CD now and try it tomorrow morning.

See you tomorrow,



Hello Jim,

although your Marvell driver problem is absolutely off-topic, I will continue trying to help you.

This is what you wrote:

Just a quick question about Slipping in the Marvell 91xx AHCI driver' date=' Should it be just the individual(32) mv91xx.inf or the both the mvx91xx.inf and mvxxmm.inf ?[/quote']The Marvell 91xx SATA driver packages I have here don't contain a file named "mvxxmm.inf". Which driver version did you take and where did you get it?

Another question:

Have you ever tried to integrate the 32bit Intel SATA AHCI driver according to my guide (=start post of this thread) and to connect your SATA hdd to one of the grey 6 GB/sec Intel SATA ports running in AHCI mode?



Posted (edited)


Thanks again for your help. I would have never arrived at this point without your help.

Finally after 3 days of tireless attempts,

I have found a workaround for XP sp3 32bit and full AHCI with Intel ICH10R P67 chipsets

Although this might be slightly off topic. The fix incorporated your win-lite N-lite slipstream integration of Intel's sata ahci and raid drivers.

This is specific to the MARVELL STORAGE CONTROLLER on ASUS P8P67 motherboards. A similar post was made in the ASUS forum, and soon at few others.

Here is how the problem was resolved.

First of all Install n-lite slip-streamed XP pro Service pack 3 with the Intel drivers slipped in.

* note: when installing WIN XP use a 2gb or less of memory.

USE an ide DVD optical drive unit because the SATA optical drive is not recognized in windows

Connect your SATA drive to the Blue Marvell SATA port on the mother board. (ASUS)

Set SATA in bios as AHCI set MARVELL STORAGE CONTROLLER as IDE, this can automatically be set this way by pressing F5 in the advanced BIOS setup.

Save and exit.

Start windows

note: Found this reg-edit workaround at the ASUS P8P67 Pro forum

Copy the text below to Notepad:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00







"Group"="SCSI miniport"




"DisplayName"="Intel RAID Controller"












Save file as (NOT ON YOUR DESKTOP save in C:| directory)


Double click on iastor.reg this will modify your registry to accept the next step.

Restart computer DO NOT CHANGE BIOS,

Download the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology

File name: iata_enu.exe


Install iata_enu.exe

This will recognize the ICH10R

Exit windows shutting down,

Move SATA cable to the "GRAY" 6gb SATA Port.

REMOVE ide DVD optical drive and Cable

INSTALL in your tower/case a SATA DVD OPTICAL drive, connect SATA cable to THE 2nd GRAY 6gb SATA port

Replug your machine power supply back in.

Start up and enter BIOS go to "Advanced settings"


Make sure SATA drives are set to AHCI and enabled

EXIT BIOS and save settings,

Restart machine,

Windows detects and VOILA it is running in AHCI

Right click on "My Computer" then Properties. Click on, HARDWARE tab, then Device manager, Find unknown PCI device with the yellow triangle. Then update driver from your Intel drivers.

Everything is "FIXED" no more Marvell Port functionality but it is not needed.

Took 3 days but is solid as a rock.

Fernando, Thank you again for the "education" and helping to "do it right". Having not built a system for 6 years. You brought us back up to current specs.

With my most sincere regard's and utmost respect


Here is my build


Intel Core i5 2500K

4gb Crucial DDR 3 CL=9 • Unbuffered • NON-ECC • DDR3-1333 DUAL Channel

Seagate Barracuda SATA 1-TB Hard Drive 3Gb/s 32mb cache 7,200rpm

Thermaltake TR2 RX 750W

Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti OC 1024MB PCIe

Edited by jimbra

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