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XP Explorer Address Bar Gone


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This is a weird issue, it must of been due to some registry cleaning or something, i dont got any spyware or viruses, so dont even go there.

Here is the deal, my toolbar settings for explorer (not IE) revert to default after i close the window.

Address Bar is checked, but does not show up, and no its not hidden and there is no address bar words or anything. i unlocked the bar and everything. its actually not there. Toolbar placement and settings revert to default after i close the window (like i do changes close the window, open it again, all back to default).

Now plz dont give me the old unlock toolbar thing, i am extremely good at computers and i am a programmer, so i know what i am doing.

I bet it was a registry cleaning job that did it. Anyone else ever had this happen.

1. Dont have any viruses or spyware

2. DOnt use system restore - never does anything anyway.

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Well Mr programmer since this is a HKCU setting you could simply delete

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar

Then stop explorer.exe in taskmgr and run explorer.exe to reload the shell.

Or it sounds like a policy. Make sure you don't have any shell policies that could cause this.


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*sigh* Another programmer who thinks he's an IT professional. I'm not trying to slight your programming abilities, but please don't slight IT professionals abilities either. :)

Most of the time those registry cleaner apps can do more harm than good. If it's not a local/group policy issue then it's almost definitely something your registry cleaner did.

As for the settings reverting, this sounds like policy setting to me. Either you have or someone has messed with either the local policies or domain group policies. Check for the existence (and value) of NoSaveSettings under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.

To expand on what gosh said, see this KB article:


Another thing to check is the policy setting for 'Disable customizing browser toolbars' under Local Computer Policy > User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer > Toolbars. You can check this by entering rsop.msc in a Run dialog box. This setting is supposed to remove the option, but I've seen conflicting settings do some weird things. Here is the help text from that policy setting:

Prevents users from determining which toolbars are displayed in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer.

If you enable this policy, the list of toolbars, which users can display by clicking the View menu and then pointing to the Toolbars command, will appear dimmed.

If you disable this policy or do not configure it, users can determine which toolbars are displayed in Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer.

This policy can be used in coordination with the "Disable customizing browser toolbar buttons" policy, which prevents users from adding or removing toolbars from Internet Explorer.

Edited by nmX.Memnoch
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