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Nvidia Driver Problem


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I recently installed the new version of drivers for my video card. The new version is Version: 163.71 WHQL. The previous version is Version: 93.71. Both of these versions are the GeForce 7 nvidia series. I have an AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3800+. My video card is GeForce 7600 GT OC. I'm running 1GB 3200 OCZ memory sticks. I'm only running 32 bit Windows XP. I recently tested both versions on pc pitstop, which I use very frequently. The site has never let me down. The 93.71 drivers scored 408 which beat out almost all of the systems I compared with. Then I installed the new drivers, the 163.71 version, and it only scored a 93. It slowed my system down so much that it wouldn't even run properly. If any one has any answers as to why this is, I would love to hear it. Because usually new drivers are supposed to be the better and faster drivers. I changed back to the 93.71 version because it obviously smokes the new version, but I'm still curious as to why these new drivers are slower than the old drivers. Thanks in advance.

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Because they share all the bloat that's in the Vista versions and for another that if you debug through the driver code, it's not very optimized. There used to be a time software/driver developers hand tuned their work for the best possible performance. Sadly those days are long gone.

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I am so tired of hearing about the Vista bloat. When Xp came out it was also the worst and bloated too but now all the nay sayers swear by it. Upgrade or go away. Stop blaming a 2007 OS for being faulty with your 2001 hardware. Sometimes new drivers aren't the best, sometimes users forget to uninstall the old ones before installing new ones causing many problems. But please stop with the anti-Vista campaign. It's the best off the shelf OS MS has put out. Looks great, works great. If it's not working well for you it's not the OS it's your old hardware. It's amazing, you can't make these people happy. If the OS didn't contain somthing they would complain, if it does then it's bloat. 99% of the people who upgrade never check to see if there hardware is compatible then b***h when it doesn't work. Same people buy a game and there system meets minimum requirements yet they turn on 8X enhancements and complain that it stutters. READ and COMPREHEND. Two very important factors in life. By your comment that the drivers conatin bloat I guess you have knowledge of hardware programming and have look at this first hand before jumping to the conclusion, if not sit down and be quiet. If you don't have first hand knowledge don't speculate on what it might be in your oh so expert opinion.

Sorry about the rant guys and I know the OS isn't perfect but I can't stand to see someone give advice as to why something doesn't work when they don't have a clue what they are talking about.

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