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error 1935 while installing Office 2007 on Vista Business


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Hi all, I'm trying to install Office 2007 on a machine running Windows Vista Business edition, and I keep getting "Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly component". Some googling has said to reinstall .Net 2.0 on the system, but I can't seem to find where I can do this on Vista. Downloading and attempting to install the Vista version of the .Net 2.0 software yielded nothing (says that I have a newer version) and the same is said of .Net 3.0. Any suggestions?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got the same error installing office XP, on Ultimate x64. After a long night of troubleshooting I found that is was a rights issue.

For some reason the Trusteruser (which I could not find anywhere) did not have rights to a few folders under the windows directory. (sorry for the vague description becasue this happend about a month ago and I dont remember the folder structure)

UAC was not disabled. so I figured I would try the install using the Administer account. I created a password for it and enabled the account.

I still got the errors. I then decided to try winblows update. There was 2 different patches that would not load because winblows didnt have right to some file under the /windows directory.

So after another reboot. and logging in as Administrator I took controll of the directory, then added rights for administrator and my normal user account.

Once that was done, update without a hitch, and Office XP installed and patched correctly.

The irony here is that I had this exact problem a long time ago with Winblows 2000. I was trying to install some ODBC componet, and got a message that the Administrator account didnt have access to the MSI folder.

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Hmmm - that status code is ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR. Do you have the msi logs of the installation?

"ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR" likely means hardware issues.

I suggest that you get Memtest86 and Prime95.

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