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Various problems after nlit'ing


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I'm creating a stripped down XP x64 for personal use which still have all base elements. However i'm experiencing many different weird problems that I can't localize:

1. I integrated IE7 along with SP2. I'm unable to open "Internet Options" (fails with "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.")

2. When I try to open "Disk Management" from "Computer Management", I get "Unspecified Error" (The only related problem I could find was that "Disk Management" would be unavailable if the "Logical Disk Manager" service was removed, but I didn't)

3. When I try to install .NET Framework 2.0 x64, it freezes just before it completes (Edit: So does my Logitech Setpoint x64 installer)

4. Logitech QuickCam setup.exe never runs.

5. Windows Update also hangs when it's searching for updates. (I did ensure compatibility for Windows Update when i ran nLite)

6. The "Windows Update" shortcut from Start Menu does nothing.

Generally it looks like I'm missing some important component that's needed for most installers, but I have no idea which one. Does anyone know or experience the same problem? :wacko:

Also I have a few questions:

Q1. Did anyone manage to slipstream WMP11 into x64?

Q2. I saw a few references to "Windows Update Agent" that are able to find needed updates offline. How do I use this? :unsure:

Q3. Since Daemon-Tools installs a driver, is this possible to include in the integrated driverlist?

I never experienced a faster boot after I made this disc. I really hope I could make this work. :thumbup

Thanks in advance :hello:

Edited by odyssey5
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1. Run the vbscript attached to fix the Internet Options (restart maybe required)

2-4 (maybe 5&6). did you remove netlogon? :P (causes most of installer issues and i think it causes the Disk Management issue)

Q3. No point as when you instal DAEMON-Tools, it will jsut install the driver again anyway :)

Edited by legolash2o
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1. Run the vbscript attached to fix the Internet Options (restart maybe required)

2-4 (maybe 5&6). did you remove netlogon? :P (causes most of installer issues and i think it causes the Disk Management issue)

Q3. No point as when you instal DAEMON-Tools, it will jsut install the driver again anyway :)

2-5 was solved by not removing Net Logon - How odd? :wacko: What's netlogon used for with this?

1 was not solved by running your registry patch :(

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2-5 don't have a clue but must be needed for something, you can still disable netlogon in services.msc and everything will still work fine. Must of removed a needed file...

1. Odd, normally works for me

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I have another weird issue.

I did not remove the Network option "Dial-up and VPN support", however when I run the "New Connection Wizard" to setup a VPN connection, everything is greyed out :unsure:


Also I have problems running "Microsoft Virtual PC" with x64 OS. I'm sure I've done this before, but I couldn't find anything related to Virtual PC inhere (kinda odd, I guess most people use it to test their configurations?).


Another funky thing (doesn't really bothers me, but i'm curious). How come after removing ...pretty much, opening "Computer Management" in "Administrative Tools" asks me if it should run 64bit or 32bit? My guess is that x64 also distributes some 32bit snap-ins, which I appearently now removed a few of leaving a few extra 64bit snap-ins?



Edited by odyssey5
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