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Request for silent switches


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this might be a big request but how to know how to install this progs silently. i alread have some idea for some installers with the help of USSF. if there is any errors tell me.


i will update this posts with answers


COMODO Firewall 2.4

Avast! Anti-Virus 4.7 (Paid version)

- http://www.msfn.org/board/lofiversion/index.php/t39266.html





WinWait("avast! - simple user interface")
WinClose("avast! - simple user interface")
WinClose("avast! Simple User Interface")

Ad-Aware SE Personal

- setup.exe /s

Ad-Aware 2007


O&O Defrag V10

- MSIEXEC /i setup.exe /qb

CCleaner 2.4

- setup.exe /S

Work & Design

Office 2007

- used OCT - but gave lots dialogs, with the content as boxes

- but seem to also only install short cuts where when i run the for example word, it says installing feature

- is this ok?

Visual Studio (i have 2 CDs from MSDNAA)

MSDN Library (4 CDs from Microsoft site)

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express Edition

Microsoft SQL Books online

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007

Cisco Packet Tracer 4

- setup.exe /VERYSILENT

Adobe CS3

- http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=101954

JCreator V4

Maya 8

WAMP 5 (PHP MySQL Apache)

- setup.exe /VERYSILENT

VMware Workstation 6

Java JRE with NetBeans

and whats the diff between SILENT and VERYSILENT

Edited by iceangel89
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[...] and whats the diff between SILENT and VERYSILENT

It's two InnoSetup silent install switches, where '/silent' will show a progress dialog and '/verysilent' will be completely silent. Keep in mind however, that some apps that will optionally reboot after a normal install, will sometimes reboot without a warning with '/verysilent'(but not with '/silent'), and so for those apps you need to specify '/norestart' in addition to '/verysilent'.

Now for the main part of your question, then it's not a good approach to just list a bunch of apps and expect ppl to post you the switches. Why, you say - Well, first of all, then the majority, if not all of them, will allready have threads here on this forum that describes the needed switches and other relevant data. Second of all, you can also just google each app up to find which switches is supported(if any). Then for those apps you cannot find switches for by doing that, then you just experiment a little by yourself i.e. you try some of the most frequently used and see if you get lucky, like e.g. '/S' '/silent' '/qn' '/q' '/quiet' etc. Then for the apps that you can't get through with, then you can post here for additional help(it's better with one thread per app, and to name the app requested in the thread title), and if you then get to learn that there isn't any silent install switches available for this or that app, then you have two additional options; You can either make an AutoIt script to install it, or you can instead monitor what the original installer does(with a registry/file tracer - I personally would recommend RegSnap), and then make a batch file which does the same and pack it together with the program files into a SFX installer.

This is what all the rest of us do...

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Both Adobe and Adaware you have to run the setup and go to the temp file and locate where the MSI installers are

I suggest to find the temporary installer locations you use InstallWatch before you run the setup for adaware and adobe to take a snapshot.

Then begin the setup but don't install anything just leave the dialog open and trace the changes and look for the temporary MSI installers.

Edited by ricktendo64
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I have no interrest in Ad-aware myself, but i have just downloaded the trial and first tried with '/S' and then when the msiexec window popped up i knew that it was installed from %temp% with an msi installer, and so you can use '/qn'(completely silent) or '/qb'(progress dialog shown).

Edit: Beaten by ricktendo64 :)


PS: You can do 'Win+R > %temp%' to locate the msi installer while you're having the original installer launched and waiting.

Edited by Martin H
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benners, then how do i run it? sry a beginner still at such stuff, and thanks for that.

Once you have created the install you should have 2 files, Admin.ini and Tasks.xml, place them in the same dir as the setup program and it will install using those files.

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