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Thanks for your help.

AutoIt3 script OK

Except the last windows called Enregistrement:

It seems AutoIt script is unable to execute one of these commands:

WinWait("Adobe InDesign CS3", "Enregistrement")

WinActivate("Adobe InDesign CS3", "Enregistrement")

Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)
Opt("SendKeyDelay", 200)
; Serial numbers

; Run Adobe InDesign CS3
Run(@ProgramFilesDir & "\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS3\InDesign.exe")

; Installation du logiciel
WinWait("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "Installation du logiciel")

; Remove "-" from the first serial number
$SERIALNUMBER1 = StringReplace($SN1, "-", "")
$COD1 = StringMid($SERIALNUMBER1, 1, 4)
$COD2 = StringMid($SERIALNUMBER1, 5, 4)
$COD3 = StringMid($SERIALNUMBER1, 9, 4)
$COD4 = StringMid($SERIALNUMBER1, 13, 4)
$COD5 = StringMid($SERIALNUMBER1, 17, 4)
$COD6 = StringMid($SERIALNUMBER1, 21, 4)

; Installation du logiciel
WinActivate("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "Installation du logiciel")
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit1", "")
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit1", $COD1)
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit2", "")
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit2", $COD2)
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit3", "")
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit3", $COD3)
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit4", "")
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit4", $COD4)
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit5", "")
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit5", $COD5)
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit6", "")
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit6", $COD6)
;ControlClick("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Button8")


; Vérification de mise à niveau
WinWait("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Vérification de mise à niveau", "Vérification de mise à niveau")
WinActivate("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Vérification de mise à niveau", "Vérification de mise à niveau")
ControlCommand("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Vérification de mise à niveau", "", "ComboBox1", "ShowDropDown", "")
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Vérification de mise à niveau", "", "Edit19", "")
ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Vérification de mise à niveau", "", "Edit19", $SN2)

; Activer maintenant
WinWait("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Activer maintenant", "Activation par Internet")
WinActivate("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Activer maintenant", "Activation par Internet")

WinWait("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Activé", "Activation réussie !")
WinActivate("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Activé", "Activation réussie !")

; Enregistrement
WinWait("Adobe InDesign CS3", "Enregistrement")
WinActivate("Adobe InDesign CS3", "Enregistrement")



; Close Adobe InDesign CS3 process
$PID = ProcessExists("InDesign.exe")
If $PID Then

; Block mDNSResponder.exe (Bonjour) service to run on Windows startup
RegWrite("HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Bonjour Service", "Start", "REG_DWORD", "4")

Posted (edited)
  Bilou_Gateux said:
AutoIt3 script OK

Except the last windows called Enregistrement:


You can try ControlClick on the all buttons. Just place the mouse pointer in the middle of button and read the coordinates.


WinWait("DivX for Windows Setup", "&Next >")
WinActivate("DivX for Windows Setup", "&Next >")
ControlClick("DivX for Windows Setup", "", "Button2", "left", 1, 35, 9)

Look into the screenshot where is write ControlClick Coords: 35, 9


  pixelpusher said:
Hi I'm trying to deploy Adobe Master Collection from a removable media (OS install DVD) source. I can run a silent install from a network location. However when i try to do the installation from aDVD, I get error code 7

I installed Photoshop CS3 from USB pendrive. How? Very simple: repack installer with 7-Zip with sfx module from here

and use a Config.txt like this:


The idea is to extract archive somewhere on the hard disk and begin installation from that folder. Once installation is done that folder will be deleted.

Edited by radix
Posted (edited)

Found interesting infos about:

Adobe Creative Suite 3 and Creative Suite 3 components install Bonjour (Windows)

and an How To for removing it.

Before launching the AutoIt script for final tasks i run this cmd script:

ping -n 2 >NUL
net stop "bonjour service"
ping -n 2 >NUL
"%ProgramFiles%\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe" -remove
ping -n 2 >NUL
rd /q /s "%ProgramFiles%\Bonjour"
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc." /f
ping -n 2 >NUL
:: Registration settings
expand -r CACHE.DB_ "%CommonProgramFiles%\adobe\adobe pcd\cache"
:: lines above won't work as expected
::IF not exist "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\FLEXnet" md "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\FLEXnet"
::expand -r ADOBE_00080000_TSF.DA_ "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\FLEXnet"

cache.db_ is a previously backuped registration file and compressed.

As described in post #30 by Radix.

and removed no longer used lines in AutoIt script:

; Block mDNSResponder.exe (Bonjour) service to run on Windows startup

RegWrite("HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Bonjour Service", "Start", "REG_DWORD", "4")

Edited by Bilou_Gateux
  • 2 weeks later...
  radix said:
  Bilou_Gateux said:
AutoIt3 script OK

Except the last windows called Enregistrement:


You can try ControlClick on the all buttons. Just place the mouse pointer in the middle of button and read the coordinates.


WinWait("DivX for Windows Setup", "&Next >")
WinActivate("DivX for Windows Setup", "&Next >")
ControlClick("DivX for Windows Setup", "", "Button2", "left", 1, 35, 9)

Look into the screenshot where is write ControlClick Coords: 35, 9


  pixelpusher said:
Hi I'm trying to deploy Adobe Master Collection from a removable media (OS install DVD) source. I can run a silent install from a network location. However when i try to do the installation from aDVD, I get error code 7

I installed Photoshop CS3 from USB pendrive. How? Very simple: repack installer with 7-Zip with sfx module from here

and use a Config.txt like this:


The idea is to extract archive somewhere on the hard disk and begin installation from that folder. Once installation is done that folder will be deleted.

hi i can install silent adobe photoshop cs3 from my hdd, but i tried to installed it from my OS DVD which is failed, im using WPI, please assist me.

Posted (edited)


The solution is provided in my previous post.

Reloaded now:

I installed Photoshop CS3 from USB pendrive. How? Very simple: repack installer with 7-Zip with sfx module from here

and use a Config.txt like this:


The idea is to extract archive somewhere on the hard disk and begin installation from that folder. Once installation is done that folder will be deleted.

As an alternative, you can make sfx archive using WinRAR.

Edited by radix
  • 1 month later...

Here is how I got this to work.

Copied the entire Adobe CS3 Design premium DVD content to the C root.

Edit the install.xml and uninstall.xml in the deployment folder. Removed unwanted applications.

Saved them as UTF-8 with straight quotas.

In the payloads folder I got a Setup.xml. I checked where the Driver folder="..." where.

Created a application.xml.override with serial and Supress commands. Saved as UTF-8...

Started the setup.exe with "setup.exe --mode=silent --deploymentFile="..."

Finished with Exit Code 0 and started any program without prompting any CD-key etc.

  • 4 weeks later...

I have something I like to add that I noticed some strangeness to my install of Adobe C33. I have it fully automated and it works fine. I ran the batch file and had it use the start /wait line with the correct parameters you can find on the Adobe Knowledge Base. (I believe someone posted it here)

3 out of the 5 times it was successful.

But 2 times the installer stopped. I was wondering if the screen saver kicking on during the install, if that would kill the cmd task or not. Does anyone know?

Adobe CS3 is the largest automated install I have, I have MS OFFICE 2k3,FireFox Beta 3, ITunes and Quicktime install first, then Adobe CS3 last because it the largest one to install.

I think that if you try to run the installer and you open up IE7, that kills the Adobe MSI, but not sure.

But would a screen saver kill the task? Are there any dependencies on DLL files that CS3 is appending to?

Hope someone can help with this.


Off topic:

Have any of you tried to erase all the different language files that is in adobe cs3? Make it english only? There's an insane amount of different files and registry settings going into the system when installing entire adobe cs3 suite, as it supports about 25, 30+ perhaps languages.

  pixelpusher said:
Hi I'm trying to deploy Adobe Master Collection from a removable media (OS install DVD) source. I can run a silent install from a network location. However when i try to do the installation from aDVD, I get error code 7 (when using variables in the install.xml file, instead of absolute paths). I tried using AutoIT and it kind of works... just gets to the install part and asks for disk D. even though I've removed any mention of a specific drive letter. My autoIT script is pretty basic maybe I'm missing something. Installing on Vista if that makes a difference.

thanks for any advice

Did you find a way to do it from the DVD-ROM?. In my case using a 7zip works fine but I dont want to use this method. Why? simple... First you have to descompress all the data into the hd and then run the installer. I think It's not possible but maybe somebody found a solution.


  • 2 months later...
  pixelpusher said:
Hi I'm trying to deploy Adobe Master Collection from a removable media (OS install DVD) source. I can run a silent install from a network location. However when i try to do the installation from aDVD, I get error code 7 (when using variables in the install.xml file, instead of absolute paths).

My only experience with Error Code 7 was that it was related to currently running applications. I received this error so tried running the installer in interactive mode. It asked me to close Outlook, Word, IE and Messenger. I did that, terminated the installer and ran the silent install script again and it worked.

Obviously, this shouldn't happen when using RunOnceEx or similar. I was trying a "shortcut" to install the collection on a machine after it had been built.

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm suprised there isn't a wizard of some kind that will create a unattended/silent installation file for adobe cs3 package. Hopefully this can change with cs4.

I'm going to try to get the whole cs3 package into my xp x64 installation dvd, but it seems like a project on its own.

Also it would be interesting to get a way to install the cs3 package with all the updates for it, like updates for photoshop and so on, already installed in the various installations. Hope that makes sense.

  • 1 year later...


i have make a install.xml and everything works when it run on from my hdd, but when i am try to run it from my dvd i get error.

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