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Silent Install of LogMein.msi


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this thread is awesome... i have a question...i dont know if this is the same issue as the last poster but ill ask anyways....ive done everything posted including adding the run command fields to the property table directly. when i run the installer with no switches at all everything runs smooth with all the fields prefilled. however when it gets to the part of the install process where i guess it checks against the server i get an error message saying that the profile does not exist. it gives me the option to click ok which i press and then the installer continues on its merry way all the way until a successful ending. i assume that my computer wont be under my logmein account but low and behold i go to login to my account and there is my newly setup pc in the bottom of the list. any ideas as to why it would give me this error and still work perfectly fine?? thanks for all the assistance!

Edited by 89McLarenStang
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Hi All

Thanks for the great info, i wish to know something more..

is there any parameter to make logmein install without start when windows starts, just auto run at end of install?


It's totally impossible to install logmein silently. You can check on the logmein forum

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Hi All

Thanks for the great info, i wish to know something more..

is there any parameter to make logmein install without start when windows starts, just auto run at end of install?


It's totally impossible to install logmein silently. You can check on the logmein forum

No i dont want a silent install, i just want parameters filled (like user, pass, pc pass), and no autorun when windows starts, just run once at end to register...

so my clients could turn logmein on when need only

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd like to see if anyone was able to find a solution to Computergeeks96's question at the end of his post. Is there a way to remove the notification message that the computer is now available via the LogMeIn site? Also how can you set the name of the computer in the LogMeIn website's list to be something other then the discription of the computer?

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I'd like to see if anyone was able to find a solution to Computergeeks96's question at the end of his post. Is there a way to remove the notification message that the computer is now available via the LogMeIn site? Also how can you set the name of the computer in the LogMeIn website's list to be something other then the discription of the computer?
I am hesitant to address the notification issue, due to the risk of misuse. The maker's of LogMeIn have stated that part of the purpose of the message is to make sure the user/owner of the host PC doesn't end up with an invisible install of a remote control application.

As to the computer name, it is drawn from the Windows name. I've looked through the options, and there doesn't seem to be any way to change it without creating the same name for every computer. You either have the "windowsname" variable, or something static, which would obviously get confusing.

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I'm trying with the last version ( it's a beta, v4.0.707 ) and it seems that it doesn't show anything after the installation.

I'll also suggest to add these 2 lines at the end of the script :)

Filename: sc.exe; Parameters: config LogMeIn start= demand; StatusMsg: Installing and configuring LogMeIn! Please wait ...; Flags: waituntilterminated runhidden; WorkingDir: {sys}
Filename: sc.exe; Parameters: config LMIMaint start= demand; StatusMsg: Installing and configuring LogMeIn! Please wait ...; Flags: waituntilterminated runhidden; WorkingDir: {sys}
Filename: reg.exe; Parameters: "delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v ""LogMeIn GUI"" /f" ; StatusMsg: Installing and configuring LogMeIn! Please wait ...; Flags: waituntilterminated runhidden; WorkingDir: {sys}
;This this only if you want to hide it also at the first start ( it will in the traybar only for few seconds )
;Filename: taskkill.exe Parameters: /F LogMeInSystray.exe; StatusMsg: Installing and configuring LogMeIn! Please wait ...; Flags: waituntilterminated runhidden; WorkingDir: {sys}

PS: Thanks hannubys ;)

There is also a zip version: secure.logmein.com/logmein.zip

You will need to install with this: logmein install ( but there are many other commands ... someone must try :P )

Edited by FakeNick
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I have almost got this to work but when I run it it installs but it doesn't register with Logmein. I do have one question...

"3. on Property table change following properties:

find LICENSETYPE property and change value from: IT into: free

find LicenseType property and change value from: IT into: free "

I can't find LICENSETYPE...only LicenseType. Am I doing something wrong?

Here it is my solution!

I used Orca tool from Microsoft to analyze LogMeIn.msi, and I found a lot of properties and conditions there! The correct command line is the following:

logmein.msi /quiet USERPASSWORD=pcpassword USERVERIFYPWD=pcpassword USEREMAIL=email@email.com USERWEBPASSWORD=password LicenseType=free

You will get LogMeIn installed, but will fail to register computer into specified email/pass account! This happen because LogMeIn Free msi is built to not allow an quiet or passive deploy!

I noticed into logmein.msi that some actions are executed on Next Button click, instead on InstallExecuteSequence, or if UILevel=2 (normal window)!

So, here it is my "fix":

Use Orca to edit LogMeIn.msi as follow:

1. on InstallExecuteSequence table, find LMIDeployCookieReg action and change condition

from: UILevel=2 AND UPGRADEPRODUCT<>1 AND InstallMode<>"Remove"

into: UPGRADEPRODUCT<>1 AND InstallMode<>"Remove"

2. on InstallExecuteSequence table add following 3 actions:

action: GetLMIRegistrationCookie condition: NOT Installed sequence: 3710

action: LMIGetLicense condition: NOT Installed sequence: 3730

action: LMIGetLicenseForProfile condition: NOT Installed sequence: 3720

3. on Property table change following properties:

find LICENSETYPE property and change value from: IT into: free

find LicenseType property and change value from: IT into: free

3.i. on InstallExecuteSequence table, find CreateUserSetProperty action and change condition


into: VersionNT AND REMOVE<>"ALL"

3.ii. on InstallExecuteSequence table, find CreateUser action and change condition


into: VersionNT AND REMOVE<>"ALL"

4. save LogMeIn.msi and try again command line:

logmein.msi /quiet USERPASSWORD=pcpassword USERVERIFYPWD=pcpassword USEREMAIL=email@email.com USERWEBPASSWORD=password LicenseType=free

From here you can build your own custom installer! If you are familiar with Inno Setup Compiler, here it is an example:

; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard.

#define _AppName "Customized LogMeIn"
#define _AppVer "3.00.606"
#define _AppPublisher "LogMeIn"
#define _AppUrl "http://www.logmein.com"
#define _AppSetup "LogMeIn"

#define LmiUsrMail "email@email.com"
#define LmiUsrPass "password"
#define LmiPCCode "pcpassword"

AppName = {#_AppName}
AppVerName = {#_AppName} {#_AppVer}
AppPublisher = {#_AppPublisher}
AppPublisherURL = {#_AppUrl}
AppSupportURL = {#_AppUrl}
AppUpdatesURL = {#_AppUrl}
OutputDir = .
OutputBaseFilename= {#_AppSetup}
Compression = lzma
SolidCompression = yes

AppVersion = {#_AppVer}
VersionInfoCompany = {#_AppPublisher}
VersionInfoCopyright = {#_AppPublisher}
VersionInfoTextVersion = {#_AppVer}
VersionInfoVersion = {#_AppVer}

WizardImageFile = files\SetupModern16.bmp
WizardSmallImageFile = files\SetupModernSmall16.bmp

CreateAppDir = no
CreateUninstallRegKey = no
UpdateUninstallLogAppName = no
Uninstallable = yes
DisableDirPage = yes
DisableReadyMemo = yes
DisableProgramGroupPage = yes
DisableReadyPage = yes

Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"

Source: "files\_logmein.msi"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: deleteafterinstall

Filename: "{tmp}\_logmein.msi"; Parameters: "USERPASSWORD={#LmiPCCode} USERVERIFYPWD={#LmiPCCode} USEREMAIL={#LmiUsrMail} USERWEBPASSWORD={#LmiUsrPass} LicenseType=free /quiet"; StatusMsg: "Installing and configuring LogMeIn! Please wait ..."; Flags: waituntilterminated shellexec

And that's it!


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hello, the silent install worked for me, but, when the instalation is done, it says it is not online, and then it sends me trough a kind of wizard to complete the installation puting some other information like my user and password of logmein. What can i do to add these steps in the silent installation.???

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hello, the silent install worked for me, but, when the instalation is done, it says it is not online, and then it sends me trough a kind of wizard to complete the installation puting some other information like my user and password of logmein. What can i do to add these steps in the silent installation.???

Sounds like you are just running the logmein.msi, without the switches to give it the user info. Open notepad, copy in the following, changing the info to yours, then save the file as a .bat. Run the bat, not the msi file itself.

logmein.msi /quiet USERPASSWORD=pcpassword USERVERIFYPWD=pcpassword USEREMAIL=email@email.com USERWEBPASSWORD=password LicenseType=free

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread had been a tremendous help, however it's missing two things, and I was unable to discover how to add them using orca

1) Which profile to use (I have several, for different companies that I consult for)

2) How to define a custom computer name (or at least use the windows PC name)

Any suggestions?

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This thread had been a tremendous help, however it's missing two things, and I was unable to discover how to add them using orca

1) Which profile to use (I have several, for different companies that I consult for)

2) How to define a custom computer name (or at least use the windows PC name)

Any suggestions?

1. As far as I know, LogMeIn is setup to use just one web account, so you might be out of luck trying to run multiple logins. (if that is what you are trying to do) But if you just want company-A's computers to register under the logmein/company-a web account and company-b to use a different, you'd just need to alter your bat file for the execution command switch changes.

2. The default option is for logmein to register the computer using the windows computer name. Are you seeing them register as something else?

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