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[Request] Multiple Addons

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1. Human Cursors

This is the port of the clean and smooth "Human" Cursor theme from Ubuntu Linux for Windows. Installfile included. Enjoy!

2. Orbit Downloader

Orbit downloader is a full-featured download accelerator and manager. It is based on P2P technology. It has advanced robust multithread download algorithm implemented with high quality. It integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer to automatically handle your downloads. You can easily download files from any remote server via HTTP, FTP, RTSP or MMS. It has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe P2P downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. It supports proxy servers, download categories, queue processor, enhanced virus protection on download completion and many other features.

3. FreePOPs (gnutls version)

FreePOPs is an easily extensible program, which allows access to the most varied resources through the POP3 protocol.

Mainly, it can be used to download mail from the most famous webmails, but it could also be used as an aggregator for RSS feeds and much more. This way it is possible to get all your messages in your favorite email client.

4. Process Lasso

Process Lasso is a unique new technology intended to automatically adjust the allocation of CPU cycles so that system responsiveness is improved in high-load situations. It does this by dynamically temporarily lowering the priorities of processes that are consuming too many CPU cycles, there-by giving other processes a chance to run if they are in need. This is useful for both single and multi-core processors. No longer will a single process, even at normal priority, be able to bring your system to a virtual stall.

5. Sumatra PDF

Sumatra PDF is a slim, free, open-source PDF viewer for Windows.

6. j.a.n.e (just.another.nasty.editor)

nothing special, it's just another nasty editor, designed to view all kind of ascii files. since there are millions of similar applications already available - and notepad with font "terminal" already does the trick - there's no real need to exchange your current favourite program or use a third party tool like jane. but the choice is yours, those who try might discover nice features they'll soon don't want to miss ...

I apologize if Im requesting a lot. and BIG thanks to those who make the addons.

Edited by anoymous_person
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