Hello MSFN forum members,
Im not sure which MSFN sub-forum this question should be posted , but this sub-forum was close enough to my question so here goes....
I have used nlite on a few supposedly "untouched" (??) XP pro ISOs (i am nliteing them as a part-time"hobby"...am not interested in monetary rewards so to speak ; since they are "bloated" with apps I do not want,etc...is another reason I nlite XP) without ticking the nlite boxes/pull down menus for changing the classic mini setup background color so that I may use a modded winntbbu billboard....
The big problem i am having after nliteing (everything else seems to work well after nliteing) is that in GUI Mode XP setup windows runs the classic mini setup screen...NOT the New Style billboard setup screen,and I would like to know how to force (more or less) Windows XP to "run" the winntbbu.dll (winntbba.dll??) billboard screen either through modding certain system .sif, .inf, or other setup files that nlite had previously created during GUI Mode??
Thanks in advance for any replies!!